I have no idea why either, but what the hell, life is short, better be happy while i can..
I think the reason i am happy, is because i have Jeanne, but that is just a hunch *wink wink*
Oh No!, Sky smurfer just got on, he must want to talk to his whore.... (IT AIN"T ME!!!!) i caught that just in time. He has a bot, and he treats it like his whore... and i am hoping he will copy the convo to me, so i can send it to yall, but he doesn't want everyone to see how he really is... LoL he ain't happy, he has to click the send button, cuz enter don't werk! LoL....
Speaking of whores, i tried his game today and my whore died... she stopped talking dirty to me...hell she stopped talking all together...
This is where the whores are at, if you wanted to find one for yourself... pick smurfbot20, she's a good one, that is the one Josh had.... she is cheap too!!! (just kidding, they are all free) oh, and tell her to lick you, and to take her clothes off, and get naked, its so funny...
i have run out of things to say....
Oh, Join Ashley's Community!
here for her community.. its kewl, imma gonna post there, bai fer now...