(no subject)

Jan 09, 2008 00:30

A is for age:  25
B is for booze:  yes, please
C is for career: slacker
D is for dad's name:  Jonathan
E is for essential items to bring to a party: music, booze, drugs, a book to hide in the corner with
F is for favorite song at the moment: oh dear lord…um…something from Evita
G is for girlfriend:  nope nope
H is for hometown:  hell
I is for instruments you play: bass (badly, very badly), piano, flute, piccolo
J is for jam or jelly you like: none
K is for kids: no, thank you
L is for living arrangements: in my head mostly, but generally alone in my apartment or at my parents’ when I want to see the hometown crew
M is for mom's name:  Nanette
N is for name of your best friend:  Lyndsay
O is for overnight hospital stays:  haha. quite a few.
P is for phobias:  Nazis, holograms, robots, robot holograms, robot Nazi holograms
Q is for quote you like: “We sure are cute for two ugly people.”
R is for relationship that lasted longest:  uh…that was a long time ago
S is for sexual position:  hehehe
U is for unique trait: you know, I don’t even know. Ask someone else.
V is for vegetable you love:  green beans
W is for worst trait: taking everything way too fucking seriously
X is for x-rays you've had:  a couple
Y is for yummy food you make:  cookies!!!
Z is for zodiac sign: sagittarius

First job: selling Cutco cutlery
First screen name:  xlakelax
First funeral:  Dr. Ellis Hoffman, may he rest in peace
First pet: Stevie the fish
First piercing: do ears count? No? ok, then nose, I think
First tattoo: flame
First credit card: hahaha bad idea
First kiss: 9th grade
First enemy: oooooh no we’re not going there
First favorite musical artist: Simon and Garfunkel

Last car ride: to Giant Eagle and back
Last kiss: Sunday
Last movie watched: Evita
Last beverage drank: Diet Pepsi
Last food consumed: cookies
Last phone call: mom
Last time showered: Sunday
Last CD played: I don’t really play CDs, but let’s count my itunes playlist, and that would be Evita
Last website visited: MySpace
Single or Taken: single
Sex: when and where? Oh. Gender. Female.
Birthday: 12/10/82
Sign: sagittarius
Siblings:  uno
Hair color:  blue and black
Eye color: hazel
Shoe size: 7.5/8
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