#24 14th Squad OC Donation: 1.8

Feb 06, 2011 16:00

Note: The OCs I am going to cover next are from an OC donation pile. The profile provided IS the sample and complete sample. For those who don't know what an OC donation pile is, that is where you ask people to donate OCs for your fanfic instead of coming up with your own. On fanfiction.net, that is technically against the rules. I am going to add a few notes to each one.

Title: Fourteenth Squad
Rating: Toshiro

Name: Kagami Kira (last, first)

Gender: female

Age: looks about 17-18, is 200 years old

Seat: whichever you might think will suit her

Specialty: zanjutsu, shunpo and hand-to-hand.

Personality: she is a rather silent and independent person, she dislikes politics and hates participating in any sort of political affairs, she is a very good listener and her division generally very much likes her, she does not like crowds particularly and while fighting prefers to be alone, she likes when it is peace and quiet, however she tends to be extremely aggressive while fighting not hesitating to obliterate her target, also you will not find her unless she wishes to be found, she meditates to keep her aggression in check, she does not wish to be noticed so she conceals her true strength which is captain level reiatsu, she chose to be that way simply because it gives her a larger mobility range within Seireitei, she likes helping people when they are distressed and is a rather good cook, she likes sweet things and sour green apples, she has a strong aversion to the color pink and does not do well in heat, she needs to lie in ice cold water at least an hour everyday otherwise her body tends to overheat which may cause her a lot of pain, she has a very sharp and strategic mind and has photographic memory. Because of that memory she needs to meditate to make sure that all of the information that she had seen is in a proper place in her head otherwise she gets headaches and her mental state does not do that well either. She despices melons of all kinds especially watermelons. She also likes training and people watching, she prefers to dawn a mask and has a very good control of her emotions. She thinks that people should be allowed to make their own mistakes and learning form them is the best way. She also likes to be prepared and is a rather neat freaky type of a person she has her own rather small and dark room which is minimally furnished only having a futon in it. She likes to know things and frequently reads books and scrolls gotten form Seireiteis library where she is a regular. She despices bitter and spicy foods, also she is allergic to peppers they make her swell up.


Height: 6’

Hair: deep black, goes to her hips, is either down, in a braid, or a ponytail.

Eyes: deep wine red, her eyes are hard to read.

Skin tone: very pale, but not sickly pale.

Clothes: fitted shinigami uniform. Black leggings and black turtleneck.

Marks: Has a number of scars on her body. The most prominent one is on her left shoulder from a sneak attack from a thug from Rukongai. It is a stab wound that almost got her killed, it almost pierced her lung.

Likes and Dislikes: in personality

History: originally from one of the worse districts of Rukongai where she spent about a hundred or so years there honing her ability to blend in and being unnoticeable as well as practicing her survivalist skills, she always knew that she had a rather strong reiatsu but did not wish to be dragged into the Seireitei because of it prompting herself to train in it. After about 60 or so years she started hearing a voice in her head telling her that she needed to know his name and she spent another 30 years getting that name right. Her zanpakuto prompted her to steal a nameless blade from the students of the academy when they were on a field trip. That was ridiculously easy to do. Her zanpakuto came inside of the nameless blade. Once that happened she did not go inside Seireitei because she wanted to make sure that everything is ready for when she went into the Seireitei. She spent the last 30 years training with her shikai. Then she went in and took the exams, she opted to appear as something less than what she was because she did not wish to be burdened by responsibilities that come as being a higher up. She spent 30 years as an unseated officer to the 6th division before learning of the 14h division and transferring there. She does not know bankai yet but if the need will be then she will do it, right now her shikai is fine for her intentions.


General: she prefers to use her zanpakuto and prefers not to use kidou because she does not have the talent for it, she does know some rather good healing kidou for emergencies. she relies on her speed and she is extremely fast on the level of Shihon Yoruichi, she does however have a perfect control of her reiatsu and uses it to conceal herself from her enemy, when she does that you will not be able to find her unless she wishes to be found. When fighting hand-to-hand she uses her reiatsu to coat her body giving her greater defense and power in her strikes. She prefers to strike on the lethal pressure points. She also sometimes likes to play the game of cat and mouse. Also should she release her reiatsu she will be very, very intimidating usually her opponents dread her when she does that. What happens is that you think that you are battling a weak opponent and then you are so scared that you freeze, and then you well you will die.

Weaknesses: fire based and heat based attacks, she is weakened by fire and generally tries to stay away from such opponents as she does have a self-preservation instincts. She is not that physically strong balancing it out with her speed and the level of her reiatsu. Because of that her zanpakuto does not become a heaver weapon. Also while knowing the demon arts she does not use them all that much her inner highly violent nature preventing her from controlling herself while watching them, and she really does not wish to blow anything up.


Name Kage no Yurei

translation/meaning -Ghost of Shadow

Type - it is a battle oriented zanpakuto with transformation abilities and slight kido abilities

Sealed form - it is a katana with black hilt, grip and guard in a black sheath an absolutely unassuming sword. She wears it on her hip.

Shikai release command and special ability(s) - Hyōji sa Reru Kage no Yurei meaning Appear Ghost of Shadow. It has many forms the reason for that is that it has 2 abilities the first is being whatever weapon is needed depending on the situation and the second being is that it allows Kira sneak iside of your shadow and wait there preparing to strike. It also allows Kira to become immaterial like a ghost but it drains her and there is a time limit of 13 minutes on it and it is used only in most desperate situations. Essentially she can hit you but you can’t hit her. She mainy uses 3 forms a long black chain for long ranged attacks, for that one she controls her reiatsu herself a claw on her left hand similar to that of Allen Walker arm innocence which is black with deep red fingers that are quite poisonos, also the claw is chained with a silver chain which is essentially a dampener for her reiatsu the thinner the chain gets the more reiatsu is used and for the most part it is rather thick, the claw is used while battling as hand to hand combat and tends to slow her down, however it is rather destructive the final form is that of a black katana with chains running throught it the chain for the same reason as the claw. Her zanpakuto is also rather blood thirsty so she does not use things that will make her lose contact from it otherwise it would make her go out of control which would be estremely bad for everyone in the witness of that.

Theme song: nothing that I can think of. If I do I will PM you if you would like.

Other: she has deep respect for her division. She genuinely likes it and as such thinks it would be interesting to do what the captain proposes to do.

Please tell me if you like her and if you are going to use her please send me a PM.

Live long and prosper.


Notes: I have problems reading this one. Her shikai seems more like a Bankai and she only has a few weaknesses thrown in to the major amount of ability she has. Not to mention some of the notes seem to contradict each other.

rating: 6 - toshiro, story type: ocd (oc donation), division sue: 14, zz: god mode sue, zz: jerk sue

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