Shotgun: Lisa Yadomaru/Nemu Kurotsuchi

Aug 09, 2014 12:43

Fic Title: Shotgun
Chapter: N/A
Author Name: vixenofargentum
Rating: NC-17
Short Summary: On the tumblr community Bleach Lists, it was suggested that Nemu would choose Lisa as a partner, if she had to choose a lover of the same sex. This is what my brain came up with.

Nemu visits Lisa's apartment to find out if Lisa is as good in practice as she is in theory.

Pairing: Lisa Yadomaru/Nemu Kurotsuchi
Note: I have a bit of a headcanon that Nemu suffers from dissociative episodes. I thought 2nd person might be a way to showcase that a little bit.

(Follow the Fake Cut)
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