[MOD] Layout!

Jun 14, 2007 15:43

Okay kiddies! We have a nice little community here, and I thank you all for behaving well and not giving me reason to step in! However, the layout's old and the community info looks dull, so!

Any of you who are members over at ukitake_fans have already seen this post, so I apologize for you having to see it again!

I want to make a nice clean new layout for the community and not so blasphemously pink, egh and I wanted to see if any of you had some images you'd like to see in the header! It'll be set up with a header, the main post area with modular sections, and a sidebar with quick link navigation and snazzy stuff like that. makito_sama is basically what it'll look like. 8O [Ignore that half-completed layout, by the way; WIP and all]

Any colors y'all are allergic to? Things you'd die without in the sidebar? Someone you absolutely positively wouldn't want to see in the header? XD I'm basically thinking something Yoru/Soi, but I also know we have eclectic tastes here and some great artists, so maybe you'll love the community enough to draw something shiny? ♥

That's about all I have to say for now, so continue on with your lesbian-loving antics and don't let me bother you too much! Mod-sama, signing out!


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