Title: The Right Angle
Series: Bleach AU
Author: Darkprism
Genre: Kinky Romance
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Chad, Uryuu, and Ichigo with special guest stars.
Word Count: ~10,000
Warnings/Notes: Oh boy... language, nudity, OOC-ness (that gets explained), hand job, oral, recreational drug use, exhibitionism, voyeurism, dub-con, threesome, DP, toys, bondage, anal, rimming... Kitchen fuckin' sink.
Summary: Chad seeks out Uryuu and Ichigo for a very... special... photography and video session.
imlikat won the art portion of the
D/s Naruto Contest over on YGallery, (link takes you to club; user account and being over 18 required) and this is one of her prizes. She wanted, and I'm paraphrasing, here: "Chad and Uryuu... maybe something with photography? And I kinda dig dub con..."
I admit that the title reflects my determination to get exactly what I wanted for her out of this story. *laughs* The ending of this one made everything worth it. *blows kiss to M*
Much love & the unexpected,
COMMUNITY DISCLAIMER: All characters depicted in sexual situations in this post/fanfiction/fanart (including material in the comments) are fictional and are intended to be and considered to be by the author of said material of the legal age of consent in the United States state of California, regardless of what age these characters may be in the material they are derived from.
Waiting for the first client to arrive...