Beauty, Beast, and the Strawberry

Jan 19, 2011 20:21

Author: Cole231
Title: The Beauty, The Beast, and The Strawberry
Rating: G now NC17 later
Pairings: Yumi/Grimmjow, Yumi/Ichi, Yumi/Ikka
Warnings: None for this chapter.

Summary: Yumichika is an addict with a new dealer. His name is Grimmjow. Grimmjow's roomates name is Ichigo who has thing for helping addicts out. Soon Yumichika finds himself liking both and he thinks they like him too. What to do?

Yumichika took a deep sigh and glanced at the clock on the wall. Hopefully Ikkaku would come home soon then he wouldn't have to go out. If the bald man did find his way back then he would have a good distraction. Tonight was his day off so there was no point in getting high. But even though he attempted to agree with his consciousness Yumichika found it harder as the minutes ticked by and the tips of his fingers became numb due to their everlasting tapping on the kitchen table.

As an hour went by, then another, Yumichika fell out of his daze and plucked his phone from his pocket. He dialed the memorized number and waited as the rings came through. Tonight is going to be one of those nights. He thought to himself as he realized he was going to need a little stress reliever. He hoped that if Ikkaku did come home it wouldn't be in the next hour range. Sometimes Stark was a little lazy and it might take him longer than he anticipates.

"Ye?" a strange voice came from the other side of the line and Yumichika raised his eyebrow.

"Stark?" he asked quietly and listened.

"Starks away, I'm your guy now. What ya want?"

"Uhm-" Yumichika wondered to himself. Stark was away? He didn't quite understand but at the moment it didn't matter. He didn't know anyone else who sold what he wanted so who cares who he got it from. "Twenty blues" he answered and stood to walk to his bedroom.

"Alright. You know second with Bully's on the end?" the rough voice asked.

"Sure" he answered hesitantly. Bully's the diner? It was strange but that was only a block away from his apartment. Yumichika slipped on his jacket and reached down onto his bed for his keys.

"Ten minutes" He didn't have time to answer as the other line went dead. So he was simply left to his musings and he walked out of the apartment with some questions on his mind.

The first was wondering where Ikkaku might be. Probably at the bar, or the strip bar, or even at Renji's house with some strippers. Which was pretty much like everything all rolled up into one. If he was going to be home soon he wished that at least he was already drunk and would just pass out before he tried to touch him. Then Yumichika and be fine, then he wouldn't have to go to work bruised. Shinji Hirako, his wonderfully accepting boss, didn't like it when he came in like that. Not that he was extremely worried or anything, just because some of the customers didn't like his whole 'previously used' message that he must have did to himself because he just loved the look. Yeah, he loved work. And yes that is sarcasm.

At one time in his life Yumichika could have sworn that he had wished for something else. If he had he probably would have wished for a different life. Nice little house when he grew up, some parents, even a job you could get taxes on. Anything else but this. But no..this is how it's going. Not really something you dreamed about if you asked him. For one he had beauty, which had gone great for him so far.

The second question on his mind was who his new dealer would be. Maybe it was one of Starks underlings; he had never met any so even if he saw him he wouldn't know. Stark was one of his customers so he was a high baller. He wondered if the man was the same way.

Yumichika leaned up against the light pole with his shin crossed over the other as he waited for the voice. He felt like a junkie at this moment. It was strange but so far he had never felt like one, it didn't really feel good. Well it was a good thing he had all those mind numbing drugs coming or he would have been very depressed.

But soon he changed his mind and realized that he in fact was not a junkie. The reason that his hands were shaking was because the wind was cold and he hadn't bothered to change out of his shorts and t-shirt. He only had on a mini coat and it didn't really cover well anything. Junkies were such an ugly thing, and there was certainly nothing on his body that described him as that.

"Hey gorgeous, wanna ride?" an annoying voice came from behind him. Yumichika rolled his eyes and glanced back at the little man in the passenger side of a shiny black Cadillac. He rested his head on the pole and looked up at the twitching light above his head.

"Only if you intend to experience castration at its rawest form" he answered back with a hint of superiority. He heard the door on the opposite side of where he stood burst open and he swore to himself. Yumichika flicked open his pocketed stiletto knife but before he pulled it out he felt the distinct chill of the barrel of a gun against his back. When he heard the metal cock was when he began to nearly freak out. It was only when he heard the voice of his assailant behind his back did he calm down.

"Well come on pretty boy" the man said and pushed the gun harder at him to urge him off the pole and into the alleyway he stood in front of.

Yumichika let himself be led into the alley before being roughly turned around and pushed up against the dirty wall. On reaction he immediately flinched away from the surface like it had scolded him and promptly pushed back into with some force. He huffed and clenched his eyes as he felt cold steel against his temple.

"Why ya strugglin'?" the voice asked lowly.

"How about we change positions and you'll see?"

"You got a real smart mouth yanno that? Well how about I get to the point then. I'm your dealer now, if I find out your buying from somebody else I'm gonna come to your house and mess up your pretty face. You understand that?" Yumichika nodded.

"The alleyway is dirty. This wall is going to ruin my beautifully shiny hair. This is so ugly" He whispered quickly. The man chuckled lightly and pulled away from him.

Yumichika let out his breath and immediately checked his hair to see if there was anything foreign attached to it. In gritty disgusting places like these you could never be too certain. Soon his eyes met amused teal ones and he finally got a look at the voice. The man was gorgeous. He had bright blue hair, a loud grin on his face, and by the way his white shirt fit snug against his body he looked as if he had a stunning body as well. Damnit, I wonder if you can fall in love on sight with two people. Maybe one cancels the other out.

"What are you a stripper or something?" The man asked as he took a long look down at his body. He glanced down at the mini coat and his bare legs and suddenly grew self conscious.

"No. If I knew I was going to be held at gunpoint I would have put on something warmer" The tall man snorted and nodded down at him.

"So what are ya?" Yumichika reached inside of his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. He didn't answer as they exchanged hands then made a move to leave. "I asked you something" The man said as his arm was grabbed and he was pulled back a few steps. The man came so close that he could actually smell the hot whiskey that was breathed onto his cheek.

Yumichika wretched his arm away from the bluenette before answering. "A customer, that's all you need to know about me"

"Well I'm Grimmjow and maybe I'm a customer too" Grimmjow said with his grin getting all the wider. "Pretty young thing like you, I really could give you anything you-"

Before he could answer Yumichika had cocked his fist back and punched the man right in his face. As Grimmjow fell back he left the scene. He could hear the man's friends laughing from inside the car and had to control his hectic heart as he walked past them completely unscathed.

"Pig" he grumbled as he made his way to his apartment building.

Yumichika tried as quietly as he could to slip into the apartment silently just in case Ikkaku was home but it looked like no one was home. All the lights were out and there weren't keys in the door which was a good sign. He walked back into his bedroom and quickly set up his small raised table that he had bought just for this reason.

The black haired man sat on the bed and took off his shoes. He readied his supply and pulled out his hypodermic needles. Unohana had given them to him because she was afraid of 'sharing needles' which Yumichika would never do anyway. He bit his lip as the needle pinched the skin beside his big toe. A rush shot up his body and Yumichika shivered from the sensation.

"Fuck" he swore as a suppressing feeling came onto him and he felt himself slink back onto the bed. Yumichika's head hit the pillows behind his head and he sighed. Within a few blinks he could feel a slick glaze come over his eyeballs and he opened his mouth in a silent gasp. This is new. He said in his head as his breathing became shaky and time seemed to slow.

For a while Yumichika just lay there staring up at his ceiling. But for some reason every line of thinking seemed to lead right back to the teal haired man he had met this evening. Yes he seemed like a jerk but who wasn't nowadays? At least if Yumichika slept with another one of his dealers he would be a deliciously scrumptious one. The type that had that bed voice, almost like Ikkaku but..different. Grimmjow was beautiful and it took everything in him not to pick up the phone that night when a text message was sent to his phone by the memorized number he once knew as Starks.



grimmjow, yumichika, ikkaku, ichigo

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