Name/Nickname: Kelsey/"HEY, DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!"
Age: 16
Likes: Drawing porn, reading porn, looking at pictures porn, porn :Db, horror videogames, art, making people laugh, eating/cooking, fast annoying music, sleeping, fighting with people, the colours orange and blue, sharks and bats, learning Swedish, electronics, doing hair and make-up, staying up until I hear birds chirping, wrestling with my friends, nerding it up, stupid/funny things, drawing on people's faces, narcotics.
Dislikes: Druggies and drunks, scene kids, the sun, annoying friends, going to the doctors, my pancreas and my uterus, dirty eye-glasses, slow computers, hair-roots, talking with strangers, body pains, not having sharp pencils or good drawing paper, stupid people, wearing thick clothes, the heat/cold, not knowing what's going on.
Strong points: I'm smart and I can solve problems easily. I'm also really good with people skills and I am able to get on the good side of things. And I can make people laugh and feel better about them selfs.
Weaker points: I'm not very nice, and if I can I won't talk to anyone I don't know.
Hobbies &/or Talents: Drawing, reading, cooking, playing videogames.
Favorite color: Orange~
Favorite animal: Fruit Bats, Sharks, Polar Bears, Foxes.
Favorite season: Fall. Usually right near the end of October.
Mature or Immature: Mature about the outlook on life, immature about having a life.
Leader or Follower:I'm more for my own.
Outgoing or Shy: More towards anti-social.
Confident or Modest: Confident, at times.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Very much pessimistic.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium to low.
Goals in life: I want to be known for my art one day and to adopt a child so we can wear matching outfits.
Favorite quote & why: "No! I don't want to be dead! I want to be alive! Or, a cowboy..." I agree with this statement.
Describe your personality in three words or more: :O! DDD: XDDD :B No. (Does that count?)
Favorite character & why: Gin ♥ Why not? I smile every time I see him in the manga, and because Dana made me.
Least favorite character & why: Tousen, I'm not understanding his ways.
Anything else: It's raining.
How did you find this community:
ninjafy Please link the links to the three members you voted on:
This is like my third stamping this week.