Soul Society

Jul 27, 2008 13:55

Name/Nickname: Mara.
Age: in her twenties. :)

Likes: psychology (especially Jungian), japanese language, copyright law, hardworking, Tarot reading, elite tea, BJD (ball-jointed doll).
Dislikes: laziness, unprofessionalism, spicy food, handwritng, agression, morning alarm, stupid morons, imperfection, make out invoices.

Strong points: smart, intelligent, hardworking, creative, if I decided to do something it will done at term, enthusiastic but careful nature. I like to cheer up and help to good people.
Weaker points: Awful at housekeeping, easily irritated by something, pessimistical. I'm easily fall into depression and can to cry eyes out a few days. Very sarcastic if someone enraged me. And my english is suck, I know. :)

Hobbies &/or Talents: Psychology, writing.

Favorite color: Silver.
Favorite animal: My cat.
Favorite season: Autumn.

Mature or Immature: Mature but a little immature.
Leader or Follower: Manager.
Outgoing or Shy: Hide my shyness beneath outgoig skills.
Confident or Modest: Absolutely modest.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Pessimistic.
Low, medium, or high energy level: I'm enthusiastic only at work (office or hobby doesn't important)

Goals in life: learn Japanese, to be the good lawyer and work at the best magazine (or publishig house) ever.

Favorite quote & why: I like russian writer Max Frei and many of his quotes but can't post it's here becouse...

Describe your personality in three words or more: dream and profit.

Favorite character & why: Kira Izuru. Cause he's quite but a little mad person. And I like Ulquiorra... adorable man.
Least favorite character & why: Rukia. I hate her becouse she's a stupid crybaby with rude nature.

Anything else:
How did you find this community: from someone's LJ profile.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

karin, stamped

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