Name: Sandra
Gender: Female
Gender stamp preference (female/male/doesn't matter): Male :)
Likes: Many many things. I like drawing, reading and watching movies/tv shows mostly so I'm pretty interested on cinema. I love taking walks at the beach when it's winter. Taking walks altogether. I love love rain! Tea and fruits.. wah so many things! I am a manga-addict, more than anime and I love collecting anime/game figurines/action figures. Which also means I love playing videogames such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
Dislikes: Cheese! Summer and spring, I have alot of allergies then. I don't like when people are late, I don't like when people are disrespectful, not just to me but to others aswell. Rudeness and people being ignorant just for the sake of it. I don't like when people cancel plans, and I hate it when they do it a few minutes before you're supposed to meet.
Strong points:
. Creativity. I can easily come up with an idea, a good idea for pretty much anything and not just for me, I can help others with their works, specially.
. Helpful. Kind of like I said above, I like helping others which doesn't always mean you get the same treatment right back but if you're useful, why not help?
. Witty/Intelligent/Sarcastic. Well, the first two kind of imply one another and the last one well.. you ahev to know when to use sarcasm, I don't know why I included it in this answer exactly. I'm nto a genius, I don't take straight A's or anything but I can say I'm more intelligent than the average Joe.
. Friendly. Though I keep my own business for my own. As in, I don't usually talk unless I'm spoken to but if that's the case I'm quite nice and friendly.
Weak Points:
. Bossy/Stubborn. I am, it's true. I sort of like things my own way unless someone TRULY prooves me wrong and that there's a better way. You can say I'm more of a leader than a follower.
. Overly Cautious. I suppose. I overthink things alot even if they end up making me feel down every single time. I usually don't take a step without thinking things through EXTREMLY well.
. Tendency for personal disasters... *laughs* Well, as in, I usually have the most idiotic accidents one can have. I can slam my finger with a chair while I'm sitting on it and it doesn't move, I burn my hands with toasts (yes, toasts, not toasters)
. Cold/Harsh. Sometimes I'm quite cold and harsh to some people if their ignorance or behaviour is starting to really bug me. I'm not usually harsh/cold unless I have a reason to be.
~What do you look for in a boy/girlfriend?~
Personality: Mostly, I look for a friend first. Someone reliable who will be there for me through good and bad times equally. Someone I'm able to trust. It is extremly important that he is intelligent/booksmart because I enjoy decent discussions and with a sense of humour, but not the clown of the place.
Physical Appearance: Well, I don't look for anything specific here. He could have green hair and pink eyes for all I care, if I like him anyway xD But I have a weakness for blue eyes.
~Would you rather have your boy/girlfriend be:~
Calm or Energetic: Calm. I'm pretty calm myself but I have my spazzes, I need someone to tolerate that xD
Brains or Brawn: Brains, definitely.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Controlled or Impulsive: Impulsive. As I said, I'm way too cautious, so I'd need someone to get me out of my shell.
Confident or Modest: A nice balance of both xD
Leader or Follower: Leader. Even though I'm quite bossy, I don't want to be the man of the couple.
Shy or Outgoing Outgoing. Again, I'm shy enough for both of us.
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Either way works fine, but I'd rather a optimistic-realistic guy.
Honest or Secretive: Honest, though I don't mind if he has his secrets.
Would you prefer someone who acts, thinks, etc like you or someone different from you? Different, I don't want to date ME xD
What would be the Turn Ons/Turn Offs to a Guy/Girl? Ons: Booksmart, great hands and knowing when the be funny and when to be serious. Offs: Party-boy, clingy and.. uh.. maybe too serious aswell
What would be your ideal first date? Ah I don't know. I think it would be something unexpected and impulsive. Like I was getting off the house to go to school/work/whatever and he would just be there and say something "Hey, let's go somewhere". Nothing special, just hanging the two of us all day. Probably go to the beach and have some fun, maybe catch a movie and go out to dinner somewhere..
What would be one crucial trait in your ideal boy/girlfriend? Intelligence.
Anything else?
The three links: