Soul Society

May 10, 2008 20:51

Name/Nickname: Dy
Age: 18 and a bit. x3

Likes: Sleeping. Daydreaming. Cakes. Friends. People who genuinely care.
Dislikes: Getting up before the sun comes up (Actually getting up in general xD) Arrogance. Hot days. People who don't turn up when they say they will, or come half an hour late.
Strong points: Erm... I... smile a lot... (Is that even a strong point????) I can't really think of anything else, I'm not good at picking good point in myself...
Weaker points: Um... I'm lazy and I procrastinate. I don't stick to things much, cause I change my mind about things a lot. I'm shy and quite, and never know what to say in awkward situations. Sometimes I say things just for the sake of being polite, and don't really mean it.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Hobbies? Anime of course. I don't really have any talents that I can think of...

Favorite color: Pale, pastel colours.
Favorite animal: Erm... pigs!~ xD I have a whole stuffed animal collection of them in my homes... 0.o;;
Favorite season: Winter, because it's better to be cold then hot. There's only so much you can take off when its hot. =w=

Mature or Immature: Immature, and loving it. :D
Leader or Follower: Follower, I'm not good at making decisions, planning things ahead of time, and I'm very easily distracted.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy, but usually only when it's with new people. I'm pretty aright around close friends, even though I generally don't have much to say.
Confident or Modest: Modest, I wish I was confident though. Dx
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Aren't realist and pessimist the same thing???? xD I'm not sure, I like to think I see things as they are, but somehow I'm very good at being a pessimist for myself, and an optimist for other people.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Oh gosh, low in the morning and medium-ish throughout the rest of the day.

Goals in life: Um.. complete my uni degree without having to repeat any subjects? That's my only goal at the moment, as I said before, I'm not really one to plan and think things through ahead of time.x3

Favorite quote & why: What from Bleach or in general? "Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding" I'm not sure exactly if this is my favorite quote, but it's the one I found stuck the most in my mind.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Quiet. Loyal. Happy

Favorite character & why: Byakuya. Because angst is love. It also helps that he's an awesome looking bishie... x]
Least favorite character & why: I don't think I really have a least favorite character, each of them are interesting in their own way...

Anything else: Nup~~
How did you find this community: Um... stumbling around my friends journals... x3
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

isane, stamped

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