Oh how I love thee soul society.

Mar 01, 2008 21:22

Name/Nickname: Hmm...just Kirbycat please.
Age: 18

Likes: I like cats, coke, doodling, writing, day dreaming, internet, reading, watching bleach, singing, psychology and anything having to do with the way the mind works, roleplaying, going on vacation, not doing a lot of work, ocean, making bets, listening to music, anime, manga, messing with people's heads, piano, getting lost or wandering places, video games,  and analyzing everything to random things, being sarcastic and joking with people.

Dislikes: Sports, being forced to do what is unnecessary, being yelled at, being poked or tickled, the fact that my cat is standing in front of the computer screen heh, really sweet things, Shrimp, crowds, talking on the phone, waiting in long lines, cheezy romance stories, really loud places, bugs, being called short, waking up at ungodly hours such as 5 or 6 o clock in the morning.

Strong points: I have really fast reflexes, I tend to be really analytical and can usually read people like a book, open minded, think before I act, good endurance, dispite my dislikes I am very calm and patient when it comes to them (like waiting in line), good memory except for names, loyal and usually follows the rules, can lighten the mood in tense situations, knows how to react to certain situations, despite not liking to talk to people very much I know how t handle them.

Weaker points: No interest in romance, no interest in other people but not really in a a selfish sort of way , not fast, lazy at times but more in a procrastinator way, anti-social unless people come up to me to talk to me,  despite having many talents I'm just not really really good at them, lack of interest in general to most things, unsure of  actual self at times.

Hobbies &/or Talents: reading, computer, piano, wandering, writing,  and pretty much everything that I listed under likes I suppose.

Favorite color: Hm...Blue, Black, Purple and Green 
Favorite animal: A cat, specifically my cat which decided to move from my computer to the floor.
Favorite season: Fall, not so hot, not so cold and close to winter.

Mature or Immature: Mature, unless I drank too much coke or something
Leader or Follower: Follower
Outgoing or Shy: Hm...I'm not really all that shy, I suppose the people at school would call me outgoing but people are just attracted to my strange personality.
Confident or Modest: Modest
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist:  Realist
Low, medium, or high energy level: I think somewhere in between the low and medium.

Goals in life: Live until I die I suppose, although my short term goal is to go to the college I want.

Favorite quote & why:
...great, now I have to go look it up....couldn't find that notebook. Just open up any Mitch Albom book and anything from there is a good quote.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Unique,  strange, Insane

Favorite character & why: Hm.. I like Hanatarou, Ishida and Ulquiorra for some unknown bizarre reason. I see no connection between the 3 either. Maybe because the 3 are so slash-able? Maybe Hanatarou is just so innocent like and Ishida and Ulquiorra are just asking to be messed with in my mind...I dunno.

Least favorite character & why: Tousen and that weird fox looking captain that I really don't feel like looking up. They just rub me the wrong way and I hated playing their characters in that bleach game.

Anything else: Good luck trying to find out who I am.
How did you find this community: Looking up RenjixIshida stuff...What?....I can't find any either...
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

shuuhei, stamped

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