Soul Society. DUDE. It's a PARTY.

Nov 11, 2007 22:33

*acts shy and innocent* Everyone else was doing it... So I thought I should do it too...

Name/Nickname: Jacqueline, Jackie, but mostly I like to go by Chey.
Age: 22

Likes: Food. Animals, especially of the reptillian sort, my friends, yarn, playing like a little kid, costumes and extremely wierd clothing, writing. Weapons. Fire. Did I mention food?
Dislikes: Spicy food, overly sweet food, people who mess with my friends, backstabbers, people that kill for no reason, dress codes, and the cold.

Strong points: I'm extremely loyal to my friends and even coworkers, to the point where I'd jump in in a fight or an arguement to defend them. Mind you, this is also a weak point because it has gotten me into trouble. I have few problems telling strangers off if they are giving friends a hard time. I'm capable of bluffing my way through hard situations, and try not to let my emotions show if someone is trying to hurt me - this also applies to not showing physical pain if I can help it as well.
Weaker points: I can be overly hyper and hot headed sometimes, and so might well find myself in a dangerous situation someday due to that. While I have no issue telling people off if they are messing with my friends, if I consider someone a friend I will let them walk all over me, which can cause me serious emotional stress and lead to the occasional breakdown. I also tend to get jealous easy, and can be egotistical one minute and have no confidence in myself the next.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Animals, especially creatures like snakes, rats, tarantulas, and other exotics. I like singing, music - especially rock, writing, knitting, cooking strange things like taiyaki for people, cosplaying, and sword fighting in public places with friends, raving.

Favorite color: Blue... Or black and silver..
Favorite animal: I have to choose?
Favorite season: Late spring or early summer.

Mature or Immature: Both, depending on the situation. Usually if I can though, I do act more on the childish side.
Leader or Follower: Again, both. I enjoy leading to a point, but sometimes like to put my trust in someone else instead.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy around strangers, but very outgoing around my friends.
Confident or Modest: I am confident that I am the most modest person here..
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist. The worlds going to end someday, so lets party till then.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Really depends on the situation. Probably medium to high, but ONLY if I get enough sleep.

Goals in life: To finish writing this novel this month. Oh, wait, you meant entire life? To own a farm.

Favorite quote & why: You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing. (Not sure who said it) And I like it because every word is true.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Freaking hyperactive spazz, harbringer of violence and glowsticks.

Favorite character & why: Renji. Because he is a loveable clumsy moron. But Neliel is becoming one of my favorite characters fast, I have so much respect for her, and her personality is just really awesome.
Least favorite character & why: Ruppi/Rubi/whatever you wanna call him. Because he is a tentacle monster pretty boy.

Anything else:I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... There they are all standin- GAGH *gets hit by a flying papaya*
How did you find this community: Blame my best friend.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

Now everyone is jumping off a cliff, I should go catch up!!

tatsuki, stamped

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