Ah, what a mundane application. Maybe I'll tweak it after I post it.
Or something.
Name/Nickname: MistilteinnX, but my real name is Catherine.
Age: 18
Likes: Videogames (SHADOW HEARTSWOAHMG!) , anime, manga, listening to my iPod, writing small fanfictions, reading, drawing, compiling lists of useless information, roleplaying (nehehe, G-rated anime RPing, ya pervies), having quiet time by myself, and watching TV. As a note my favorite TV show is Mythbuster. There are so many random, LOUD explosions on that show. Plus, I'm a science geek. -glints glasses- o.o I'd never admit any of this to my friends, though. They think I'm weird for liking Bleach for chrissakes. ;._.
Um...I also have a bit of a soft spot for cooking. I like to help my mom cook, and I'm good at baking, especially making chocolate chip cookies. :3
Dislikes: Close-minded people, blatant liars, being ignored, being called short, waking up too late, loud noises and noisy people, spicy foods, warm weather (which is ironic, seeing as I live in the Devil's-Armpit-a.k.a.-Miami, Florida ;^;), touchy people,...and Christmas movies. Yeah. <<; Told you this was mundane.
Strong points: I work better by myself, or when I'm placed as the leader of a group. I tend to have very creative thoughts when it comes to art and writing. I'm also very trusting. People also like to come to me to vent or have me give them advice. I'm also very flexible, role-wise, as I can usually assume whatever role I'm given...usually.
Weaker points: I'm trusting...to a fault. I've had people manipulate me for trusting them too far. I tend not to do it too much nowadays though. I suck at having to contribute to a group project that I'm not heading, espeically if I don't trust the leader to begin with, and even more so if I'm stuck with a job I'm not good at. My social skills are near zero, as well. I was never around kids my age when I was little, so I have no idea how to handle being around other people.
Hobbies and/or Talents: Hobbies? I'd say I like to read and write in my spare time. I also have a fondness for baking and cooking as aformentioned...ehhh...and drawing with my Tablet. I like doodling. My talents are probably my ability to cook, and my decent knowledge of shop tools. My dad's a carpenter, so I play around with his gadgets alot. I can fix thaaaangs! XD
Favorite color: Blue and most of its variations, white, silver, and black.
Favorite animal: Pandas, and weasels
Favorite season: Winter or Fall
Mature or Immature: Depends on the situation. I can be either if need be.
Leader or Follower: Again depends on the situation.
Outgoing or Shy: Mm...shy. I prefer to be by myself, and don't like public situation.
Confident or Modest: I'm usually very modest. Usually being the operative word.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: I'm pessimistic most of the time.
Low, medium, or high energy level: This goes hand-in-hand with my motivation level. If I have a high level of motivation, I'll fly into a project with zeal and annhilate it in an hour. But if my motivation is low, I'll just kind of trudge through a task bit by bit until I get it done...sometime.
Goals in life: To freakin' graduate highschool, and get a decent job. After that, let's see where life decides to drag me.
Favorite quote & why: 'There is nothing either good or bad, but only thinking makes it so' - William Shakespeare, from the play Hamlet.
I follow this quote because I feel it relates to the world in general. For everything, there is one person who thinks it's bad, and one person who think's it's good. They are allowed to think that because it is their opinion. Neither person is right, for they are using opinions. The item in question is neither good or bad in the grand scheme of things, it is just the thinking of certain people that make it seem like one or the other.
...if that made sense. I think it did. -shrugs-
Describe your personality in three words or more: Dreamy, reserved, introverted
Favorite character & why: I have soooo many, but I guess...Ukitake Juushiro. He's got this weird see-sawing maturity level of his; one minute he's ranting about justice and the Seireitei to Shunsui, next thing you know, he's chasing after Hitsugaya with a huge stocking of candy. I mean come on, what is there not to love about that? XP
Least favorite character & why: Err...Kurotsuchi Mayuri? He's just got this weird mad scientist vibe that gets to me. Plus he's so damn cocky. He spent half that bloody Mayuri vs. Ishida battle in the Seiretei ranting about Quincies and how he mutilated them. Good god.
Anything else: Y hallo thar?
How did you find this community: I typed in "Bleach" in the Interests tag. Oooh, complicated!
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Ichi NiAnd