Name/Nickname: FM Graves
Age: 17
Likes: meeting people, RPing, Photoshop - though I'm not very good yet, graphics - especially icons, manga, anime, video games, yaoi & yuri, music, languages, travel, photography, animals, writing, doujinshi, cooking, reading, relaxing, exercise, weapons (spears, knives, guns, bows, etc) my friends ♥
Dislikes: people who mistreat my friends, people spreading rumors/talking sh-t, goddmodding & Mary Sues, racists, homophobes, feeling helpless, being used, feeling like I don't belong, & when you're walking at a good pace and all of the sudden someone walks in front of you and goes SLOW.
Strong points: I tend to be protective and loyal, if that counts. I won't put up with sh-t when it's directed at my friends or anything I love really, and while I don't always know what to say or how to help, I'm always around to listen. Determind when I have a goal in mind. I'm easy-going for the most part, and very open-minded. Oh, and apparently, I'm sometimes brutally honest.
Weaker points: I'm pretty lame in the communication department. I sometimes have trouble keeping up conversations and don't know what to say 8D, I tend to be distrusting of others, I let things get to me too much, overthink things sometimes, and have very low self-esteem :3
Hobbies &/or Talents: Hobbies: RPing, reading (manga, doujinshi, & books), photography, taking walks, listening to music
Talents: ....playing swingers-with-secret-angst in RPs? xD;
I personally don't feel like I have any real talents.
Favorite color: tie: orange and purple :D
Favorite animal: tie: cats and wolves
Favorite season: Autumn. It's not too hot, and it's not too cold.
Mature or Immature: Mature, usually.
Leader or Follower: Second-in-Command. I generally don't lead, but if the leader can't lead, I don't like following anyone else unless I happen to really like them. If I really have to lead, as in no one else will, then I do for as long as I have to and usually resume 2nd in command as soon as I don't.
Outgoing or Shy: A mix of both. I'm pretty shy due to communication-failage but I can be outgoing if, say, everyone else is just going to sit there and stare at each other, or if I feel pretty comfortable in the situation.
Confident or Modest: Modest for myself, but I can have enormous confidence in others.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Optimist for others, with touches of realist thrown in. Pessimistic for myself.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium. I can hit highs and lows now and then, but generally I stay at a mellow-medium.
Goals in life: I'd love to write and have my stories/books published, but that's probably a pretty unrealistic goal. Other smaller (but still big? XD) goals would be travelling, learning to shoot better, stuff like that.
Favorite quote & why: From Bleach, or in general? xD;
It'd be hard for me to choose either way, so let's just go with in general! :D
"Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly."
-Neil Gaiman in 'The Sandman'
Describe your personality in three words or more: Protective, Loyal, Obsessive, stubborn, easy-going, somewhat-secretive? XD
Favorite character & why: Hard to pick...There's an awesome character every 5 pages or so XD; Maybe...Hm. I think I'm just going to go with Ishida this time and leave it at that or I'd be here all day :D He's a dork, plain and simple, but he's also very determined and very chivalrous. Or, you know, Chad, Ukitake, Shinji, Hanataro....*trails off*
Least favorite character & why: Hm. Very hard to say anyone XD; Bleach is one of those few series that even has me adoring the female characters, which I normally don't like as much as the male chataracters, for whatever reason. Maybe....Hinamori. I just can't seem to connect to her character really at all.
Anything else: 11th Division + Fights = OTP?
How did you find this community: It's affiliated with
keybladerating? XD;
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