Name/Nickname: Mari-chan
Age: 24
Likes: Nature, Animals, Japanese language and culture, anime, manga, my man
Dislikes: Boredom, crowds
Strong points: Devoted, Sweet, Caring, A little of a geek ^^
Weaker points: I'm quite antisocial, and lack in self-confidence.
Hobbies &/or Talents: Drawing, Html, Internet, Watching anime, learning japanese
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite animal: Wolves
Favorite season: Fall
Mature or Immature: Kinda mature but with a child side
Leader or Follower: follower or loner
Outgoing or Shy: shy
Confident or Modest: it depends on what. But in general situations I'm modest
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist ( but optimistic in love, pessimistic about pollution...)
Low, medium, or high energy level:
Medium,but with highs or lows from time to time, I guess
Goals in life: Make people I love happy and confort them, to go to Japan
Favorite quote & why:
" And every time I see your face, an ocean heaves up to my heart" (LIfe is like a boat, Rie Fu ) cause I'm a romantic, and it's so true...
Describe your personality in three words or more: Caring, sweet, and antisocial
Favorite character & why: I'll go with Byakuya for he is a really japanese character. Then Ulquiorra, mainly for his self-control and his looks
Least favorite character & why: I can't bear Ganju. He gets on my nerves with his ugly faces and his screaming.
Anything else: I already posted in that community but I deleted my old account and evoluted in life so I wanna see if thee is some change.
How did you find this community: looking for "Bleach " interest
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: