Soul S o c i e ty

Jan 17, 2007 12:26

Name/Nickname: Well, I’d say Vicky (real name is Victoria)… But I do hate that nickname *growls and burns it*. Soo, I’ll go with Tiffy, I’m called that a lot.

Likes:Ah, where to start? *waves finger in a circle* So many. *clears throat* My likes are drawing, anime, manga, role-playing, video games, plushies, fire (I can’t have a candle near me without me swiping my finger through the fire :D Try it. It’s fun.>D), bishies, plushies, Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp (*sways*), talking in Spanish when there are no Spanish-speaking people and critizing them in front of them (what?... It’s fun.), J-Rock/Pop, really any type of rock, anything Disney, cats, yuri, ghosts, pwetty kimonos .__. *wants one badly*, Axel, cookies and cream ice cream, doing Kayako’s Grudge throat sound (especially sneaking up to people from behind and doing it along with the cricky-body movement 83 ), random cute noises, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, mafia movies. Horror movies ( no cheesy stuff, please. =__=), hoodies, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tifa <3, nekomimis, Gothic Lolita fashion, geishas, samurais, ramen, reading, making new friends, Coca-Cola, being lazy, to help people/friends, and protecting those who are close to me.

Dislikes:Ayaaa… My dislikes are homework, studying ( only when I have other things to do. If I can’t find anything else to do… Then I don’t mind studying), people who think liking anime is bad, arrogant people, I’d say stubborn people… But, I’m stubborn too :D;, hypocrites, people with no imagination, math (*makes weird sneering face*), sympathy.

Strong points:Good listener, trustworthy, good drawer :3, my graphic-knowledge, my ability to imitate Kayako ( … Joking. But I can. Seriously. Wanna see? 8D), my ability to withstand seeing blood and seeing dead people (well, some people say it’s a good thing. Seeing as how at one funeral I started poking the dead person… Yea. That wasn’t good .__. ).
Weaker points:My shy-ness, spacing out, my inability to show emotion when I really need to, losing concentration at times, lazyness, temper, stubbornness, one of my nervous ticks (if I get really nervous, I start laughing. =__=).

Hobbies &/or Talents:My drawing abilites :3, my computer/electronic wizardry, and umm… Annoo, I can pass my finger through fire? I’m good at Russian Roulette… Okay, nu, I’m not. .__. Joking.*closes answers for this part of the questionnaire*

Favorite color: Black and blue. :3
Favorite animal:Cats.
Favorite season:Winter. x3

Mature or Immature:Mature. I’ll be mature when I have to but when I can be immature, I will be, just not to the extreme where it gets annoying.
Leader or Follower:Leader, sometimes. Follower most of the time. I’m in the middle on this one. x3;
Outgoing or Shy: Ah… In the middle here as well. I’ll be shy when I first meet a person, yea. But once I get talking to them, I’ll be outgoing as hell. :D
Confident or Modest:Middle… Too. xD; There are just certain things I’ll be confident about and certain things I won’t be confident about.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist:Optimistic for sure. :3 Pessimistic just gets on my nerves and realist is no fun.
Low, medium, or high energy level:Medium, I’d say. X3

Goals in life: To work for Disney ^__^ As an art director or graphic illustrator. To visit Japan, to go to E3 one day, to live my life happily and carefree, when I’m older to start a family (but, ssshh, you didn’t hear that from me…), to never regret anything I’ve done in life.

Favorite quote & why: I’ve always loved this quote, but I could never remember where it was that I got it from and who said it either. “Those who see the invisible, can do the impossible.” :3 I find that to be too true. Oh and this funny little one comes in second, “Everyone makes mistakes. That’s why they put erasers on pencils.”. Har. :P

Describe your personality in three words or more:Silly, shy, and loving. :3

Favorite character & why:Ichigo. I can relate to him in a lot of ways, how he wants to protect the ones he cares about most and others as well, how he lost a loved one, and a few other things as well. And he ish cute. xP
Least favorite character & why:Oh Kamii-saama, hrmm… Kunieda Ryō. I dunno, she never fit well with me. *shrugs*

Anything else: You sure you don’t want to see my Kayako imitation…? :3
How did you find this community:Hakumei_Kouu linked me to it. X3
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

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