Hey guys, it's one of your mods there. I mean not long but still haha.
I just wanted you to know that i decided to leave the mod position of this community. It was fun to stamp you of course but i feel bad for not making this community more active. I wanted to do it once but i was told to stop. It's been bothering me for the whole time because I don't feel good when I'm a mod but i can't do whatever i think it's needed, as it seems.
So yeah, i drop from mod place and i made my beloved friend
fiercepotato a new mod :) Please treat her good and be easy on her at first ;). If she will have any problems, she will ask me so please don't be rude or anything to her, she's a great girl.
I guess I will finish now! It was great to mod that community and guys, keep being active so
fiercepotato will have lots of work haha |D
I think i took this post a little too seriously but whatever.
Last note: please don't forget to vote on
these 3 applications that need votes :)