Lateeeee June fic

Oct 07, 2008 23:21

Veryyyyy late flashfic. As in it was due back in June late XD I finally forced myself to sit down and write it. Sorry for the lateness!

Title: The Load We Bear
Written For: totchipanda
Pairing Requested: Orihime/Ulquiorra
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Yep they're there.
Summary: When you try to carry too much, everything ends up falling apart ( Read more... )

june 2008

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hinodeh October 8 2008, 09:57:53 UTC
The progression of Orihime's relationship with Ulquiorra was well-paced and believable. It was great to see them talking about something else than hearts for a change. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but so few writers step out of the comfort zone of chapter 317 and that is really a shame.
And the topic of freedom and what it means was really intriguing and the viewpoints that were presented fit the characters well.

I liked how you showed the psychological strain which Orihime was under without forgetting her usually sunny personality, which you showed in small actions such as her looking for other prisoners via tapping.
And although the story was strictly from her POV Ulquiorra's characterization was just as good.
I especially liked Orihime's observation how he seemed to be rebelling quietly, perhaps even unconsciously. The ripple image conveyed that very well.

You incorporated canon moments well into the story and changed them in ways that were fitting, like the scene where Orihime gets the dress. (Which was funny but also showed that there were things that Ulquiorra could not admit to himself, or perhaps, more accurately, to Orihime.)

Your portrayal of Aizen was very good and in line with canon, including Orihime's thoughts about him.

And the tea scene made me laugh, without breaking the overall mood of the fic.

The ending honestly made me misty-eyed, and I don't say that lightly since I can usually read about one character grieving for another without batting an eyelash. Ulquiorra's death was made somehow more poignant by the fact that it didn't happen "on screen" but was subtly portrayed through Orihime's feelings.

Yet, I still found the story strangely uplifting, perhaps because Ulquiorra seemed to have no regrets at the end and let go of Orihime because she could not let go of him and that would have dragged her down. His sacrifice made what they had shared even more meaningful.

So, in conclusion, beautiful story and definitely one of my favorite U/O stories.


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