September 2008 Sign-Up

Aug 30, 2008 01:04

So, um, obviously there was no August 2008 round, as the turnout was so low. Sorry I didn't get back to you guys in a timely fashion, and doubly sorry that this was posted so late. That said, I'm extending the date of sign-ups a week, and thusly extending the due date of September '08 round fics.

So onto the usual! If you'd like to participate in the September 2008 round of bleach_flashfic, please respond to this post with the following:

--your livejournal username
--your e-mail address
--four characters or pairings
--genres (dark, humor, action, supernatural, etc.)
--maximum rating
--preferred universe to write in/receive a fic for (mangaverse or animeverse)

Also feel free to state what you do not want to receive or what would be a complete stretch for you to write. Most everything else you'll need to know is listed in the rules. The deadline for sign-ups is September 5.

Last tidbit: I'm going off to college in mid-September, and I don't know how hectic my life is going to get after this move. bleach_flashfic is a fairly low maintenance comm, but I want to hedge my bets and possibly take on a co mod. I'd need someone who could make a bimonthly commitment (so that the sign-up post can be put and so the requests can be assigned and mailed out). I'd preferably like someone who's had modding experience, or at the very least, experience with bleach_flashfic before. Definitely let me know if you're interested, regardless of whether you're participating in this month's round!!

request post, mod post

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