Sign Up for the Second Make Up Round!!!

Jun 15, 2008 23:23

Nearly a year after the first make up round, here is, as promised, the sign up post for bleach_flashfic's second make up round!!! In this special round of b_f, participants will sign up to write fics for unfulfilled requests from past rounds. If you're interested in writing a fic for one or more of these requests, comment to this post and I'll sign you up!! Fics are distributed on a first come, first serve basis, so if someone's expressed interest in a particular request before you have, I'll let you know so you can pick another. Also, you may write for as many requests as you want to, but make sure not to overwhelm yourself. :)

Fics for the make up round are due a month after I approve your request. For example, if I approve today, you'll have until July 15 to finish and post your make up fic. Be sure to take into consideration that the sign-up for the July 2008 round is up now, too. If you don't think you'll be able to write two fics in a month, I recommend only signing up for one exchange.

Members who never turned in a fic from a past round cannot sign up for the make-up round. Other than that, everything's fair game. Enjoy!!!

Requests that need fulfilling:

Recipient: firstmidnight
Characters/Pairings: Ishi/Hime, Ichi/Rukia, Ren/Rukia, Ichi/Ishi
Genres: Mmm, I'm pretty open really. Smut is great, angst is almost better! Especially with these pairings.
Maximum Rating: NC-17 me up, baybe~.
Preferred Universe: manga me please. filler begone.

Recipient: shinigamikender
Characters/Pairings: Luppi/Di Roy, Luppi/Grimmjow, Shawlong, Ulquiorra/Grimmjow
Genres: Dark, angst, violence, please~ Or general 'car crack. Just no woobie over-romantic 'car. Try to avoid arrancar past-lives and mpreg, but AU are fine. X3
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Preferred Universe: Manga-verse!

Recipient: firstmidnight
Characters/Pairings: Ishida/Ichigo, Aizen/Ishida (fear the Quincy), Ishida/Orihime, Ishida/Espada
Genres: Pretty easy to please, crack, angst, dark, porny. ...Though if you work in Arrrancar/Orihime I'm pitching a fit.
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Preferred Universe: Manga! Filler can choke and die! :D

Recipient: _debbiechan_
Characters/Pairings: Ishida and Ryuuken (NOT QUINCEST), Ishida and Orhime, Aizen and anybody except Orihime, Gin and anybody except Orihime
Genres: Anything is fine except incest, sex with kids. Don't torture Orihime but you can do anything you want to Ishida ^_^ .
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Preferred Universe: Mangaverse, please

Recipient: empath_eia
Characters/Pairings: Ryuuken/Orihime (!), Byakuya/Rukia, Chad, Rangiku
Genres: Introspection, angst, drama... or humour. No fluff this time around if that's all right.
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Preferred Universe: Manga

Recipient: tsukishine
Characters/Pairings: Akon/Hisagi; Ikkaku/Nemu; Shinji/Kensei/Lisa; Vizord (in this case, any, but no pairings)
Genres: Gen, humor, action, romance, but no crack. Angst is okay; AU is fine if it's game AU (deathonly, standinheaven, mercy_street_rp)
Maximum Rating: Anything; smut is good~
Preferred Universe: manga-verse; never watched the anime

Recipient: saintalecto
Characters/Pairings: Gin/Matsumoto Ichigo/Grimjaw, Byakuya/Rukia, Gin/Aizen
Genres: Dark, Angst, Smut, Romance- no fluff or mpreg, thanks.
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Preferred Universe: Anime-verse, PLZ!- Fansubs are only up to episode 118.

Recipient: ypaladinofchaos
Characters/Pairings: Hollow!Ichigo, Ryuuken+Ishin, Rukia+Kaien, Hinamori/Hitsugaya
Genres: Fluff, humor, angst, anything except rape/mpreg/songfic/bondage
Maximum Rating: Up to R
Preferred Universe: Manga please.

Recipient: _debbiechan_
Characters/Pairings: Ryuuken and Uryuu (NOT INCEST), Ryuuken and Isshin (not slash!), Ulquiorra/Ishida, Aizen/Ulquiorra
Genres: Anything but sex with kids or incest. Oh, and don't rape, torture or do other VIOLENT mean things to Orihime (cutting her hair off or calling her names is ok. ^^)
Maximum Rating: NC17
Preferred Universe: Mangaverse

Recipient: corelle
Characters/Pairings: Abarai Renji/Kurosaki Ichigo, Kisuke Urahara/Kurosaki Isshin, Madarame Ikkaku/Ayasegawa Yumichika, Zaraki Kenpachi/Kurosaki Ichigo
Genres: Humor, Light Angst, Smut nothing to dark or violent
Maximum Rating: R
Preferred Universe: Manga


Oh, and by the way, if you're an author who hasn't turned in a fic, if your unfulfilled request is up here, you may sign up for future rounds of bleach_flashfic again starting now. I'd like to generate more activity in the comm, but just know that repeat offenders that don't present reasons for being late may be punished more harshly in future rounds.

Um, ending on a happy note: have fun writing, everyone!! :DDD

make up round, mod post

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