Let's juz say.....I do this until damn shuang =D

May 15, 2007 23:33

Seriously....i do this quiz until damn shuang.....=D

but then again, it might not be accurate. Coz, i duno my blood type. its not written anywhere, and my mum doesnt remember it either. She say it MIGHT be B. And since byakuya starts with B as well, so why not? I'm bloodtype B, i think. Yeah. I choose watever bloodtype i wan. Hows that? =D

Let's try with diff varieties of my name....nicks....etc...etc....

At this point i already keesiao liao.

.............................so. Call me Mrs Hibari.

And hey. I DO have a bad biting habit that juz wun quit. =D.....xuannies knows best riiiight? still got photo evidence......hahahaha~~
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