FANFIC: "In the Vice" (Ishida, Mayuri, Orihime) for _debbiechan_

Nov 15, 2006 16:30

I was hoping this person would be able to post their gift themselves, but they apparently have been having some problems getting online. They did post this at their personal journal, though, and I'm assuming it's complete. I'm just linking this to their journal; all the information below is from there.

Title: In the Vice
For: debbiechan (_debbiechan_)
Request: Bondage
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ishida Uryuu with mentions of Mayuri and Orihime
Genre(s): Angst/ Horror-ish
Warning(s): mind torture
Rating: R

( He was deeply terrified of becoming only a head, just like Sozen )

character: ishida, theme: angst, character: mayuri, theme: horror, exchange: halloween 2006, character: orihime, media: fanfic, author: evilrobyn, pairing: ishida/orihime, recipient: _debbiechan_

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