Back-Ups Sign-Ups for April Fool's Exchange!

Apr 06, 2006 07:32

Hey all, sorry for the delay! I, pyrefly A.K.A. Piru-chan, will be in charge of back-ups this time around. ^_^ I decided to wait a little while before running the sign-ups so that those of you already participating in the exchange have an idea of whether or not you also want to sign up to be a back-up, depending on whether you're having trouble with your assignment or not. Humor writing comes easily to some but is harder for others, so...! Anyway, without further ado, let's get on with the sign-ups.

Most of you guys have been around long enough that you understand the necessity of and procedures for back-ups. Basically, if someone informs us that they need to drop out of the exchange (GOOD) or they drop off the face of the planet and never turn in their gift or anything (BAD), we need someone to step in and provide a gift for their assignee, because we don't want anybody to be left empty-handed.

Remember the rules for the April Fool's exchange. Those are still in effect, even for back-ups. Also, sakuradolly summed up the rules for back-ups pretty well last time: be flexible & be contactable.

Remember that you DON'T already have to be participating in the exchange in order to be a back-up, but you can do both if you like. Realize also that chances are that you won't be called on, but we still need a pool to draw on in case we do need a few people to step in at the last minute.

IMPORTANT! Because we want to avoid dragging out exchanges, you'll probably only have about 7-10 days to come up with and turn in your gift if you are a back-up. If this is a problem, then you may want to reconsider signing up.

Because I'm adding your name & info to a spreadsheet as soon as I get your sign-up, be sure and notify me if you're backing out; don't just delete your comment, because I may not realize that you did.

The form is as follows:

NAME: Self-explanatory.
E-MAIL ADDRESS: Make sure it's valid! Bouncing e-mails tend to freak me out. :3
ANYTHING YOU ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT DO: Subgenres, pairings, characters, etc. Be specific!


NAME: Nara, or Piru.
ANYTHING YOU ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT DO: 11th Division, 12th Division, Chad, Ishida, HitsuHina, IchiRuki, IchiHime, Aizen/Momo, Ganjyu/Hanatarou. I'll try my hand at yaoi but crack pairings are iffy because I have trouble writing anything that's not realistic.

You can just c&p the following:


Back-ups sign-ups close THURSDAY, APRIL 13TH at 11:59 PM EST. That gives you about a week plus a few hours to turn in your form. This one is relatively simple, so there should be no problems with this fairly quick deadline.

Anddd that's it~! Thanks, guys!

mod post: back-ups, mod post: mini-exchange, exchange: april fools 2006

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