
Apr 07, 2011 20:39

[Among the slowly flourishing shrubbery in the front yard of a quaint little house is Orihime, on her knees and busy at work. Ever since the snow started to melt and the ground started to thaw, she wasted no time getting to work on a small garden for her home. She'd already had the seeds in addition to all the gardening items she'd wished up, but ( Read more... )

inoue orihime

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holeheart April 8 2011, 01:49:51 UTC
[Here Inoue, have two cats getting up in your business, because they are cats and this is what cats do. One of them is familiar, the other is not, but the cats are clearly together; a silver tabby Turkish Van named Killinator and a bob-tailed calico who's name you don't know yet. Killinator rubs on Inoue's legs while the calico cat is examining some of her gardening equipment.

Their owner isn't far behind, of course. It's the crazy cat Hollow, Shiro!]

Killinator! Akumi! What are ya... ah! Inoue-san!


halycon_days April 8 2011, 01:55:05 UTC
[The tabby was all too familiar once it approached her, while the calico that seemed to be investigating, was not. But if the former was the cat she thought it was, then that meant the owner would hopefully be close as well.

Turning around, she found Shiro coming and immediately a big smile broke out on her face. She hadn't seen him for quite some time! She raised her slightly dirt-caked hand to wave at the familiar friend.]

Shiro-kun! It's so good to see you!


holeheart April 8 2011, 02:12:19 UTC
So that's where you guys gout off to. Sniffin' out friends, huh?

[The Hollow smiles, surprisingly warmly, happy to see the Orihime he knows the best again after what seemed like so long. He jogs to get over to the garden, then puts his hands in his pockets]

Ah, Akumi is here too. You don't know her, but she's sweet. What're ya up to?


halycon_days April 8 2011, 12:31:46 UTC
[She was about to pet Akumi in greeting when she realized her hands were a lot dirtier than she thought. For now, she gives the cat a smile in place of the petting.]

She seems very curious! But that's what also makes her really cute too!

[She had forgotten about her gardening for a split second when Shiro showed up, so as he asked what she was doing, it all came back to her.]

I'm preparing the dirt for my garden! In a few weeks, I'm going to plant all sorts of things!


holeheart April 9 2011, 01:02:01 UTC
She is. She likes ta follow Killinator around and get in everybody's business. [he chuckles a bit and crouches near Orihime, watching carefully] I guess that's just how cats are, though! They like ta try and help, but just make nuisances of themselves.

Ah? [he picks up a packet of seeds and shakes it, then smells it] What all are ya gonna plant?


halycon_days April 9 2011, 01:18:38 UTC
I don't think they're nuisances at all! Maybe they like to follow you around, but they just like being close to people. It's their way of showing their love!

[She's tucked away a few other of her packets of seeds in her apron pocket, so she pulls them out to flip through them.]

I was going to grow tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes in one spot, and then some other flowers, like daisies and orchids on the other side.

[She stops for a moment to ponder an idea.]

Would Killinator and Akumi like some catnip? I could grow that too!


holeheart April 9 2011, 02:20:53 UTC
Heh. I guess. They're a pain when I'm tryin' to do laundry and shit though.

[The Hollow doing laundry... how domestic. But here, he lives alone, so he has to. He gives her back the seed packet -- lavender -- and then sits Indian-style with his hands on his knees]

I bet they'd like that! Then they'd be over here all the time! [he chuckles] Do you.. ah... do ya need some help?


halycon_days April 9 2011, 02:32:02 UTC
[She laughs a little at that, both at the idea of the cats sitting on the clothes and Shiro doing laundry.] Are they sitting on everything or something?

[She makes a mental note to get catnip seeds! She's putting the packets back in her pocket, leaving out the tomato so she can remember to plant that today in a pot.]

If you want to help, I have no problem with it! But are you willing to get your hands dirty? Or should we wish up some gardening gloves for you?


holeheart April 9 2011, 03:16:36 UTC
Ugh, sitting on stuff, trying to get INSIDE the shirts while I'm foldin' them, sitting in the baskets on my clean clothes... [he rolls his eyes] All of that.

[he claps his hands together a bit] Course I don't mind! What do you need me to do?


halycon_days April 9 2011, 03:31:22 UTC
[Even more laughter.] Aww, that's so cute! They must really want your attention when you're folding!

[She takes a moment to wish up a medium-sized pot that will go indoors after they get the seeds planted.]

Do you want to fill this up with dirt for now? [She points to all that dug-up earth in the 'in-process' garden.] About half way-filled should be good!


holeheart April 9 2011, 04:10:39 UTC
They just can't deal with me paying attention to something more than them! [he snerks a bit]

[he takes the pot and puts it in his lap and looks at the dirt, then nodding at Inoue. Meanwhile, the cats are sniffing the dirt and laying and rolling in it. Because why not] Alright! [shooing Killinator away from his dirt pile and putting dirt in the pot]


halycon_days April 9 2011, 14:00:50 UTC
If only they had thumbs! Then you all could fold laundry together and they wouldn't feel attention-deprived either!

[Orihime's back to work on the garden (after finding the cats and their rolling far too amusing), using a small hand shovel to dig out weeds and cultivate the dirt. It's coming along pretty nicely, so far! Only a few more feet and there'll be enough for all the things she was planning on planting.]

When you get done with that, you can put the seeds in if you'd like! [She motions to the packet of tomato seeds that sit between them.] Put in about three seeds and pack a little more dirt on top of them after that.


holeheart April 9 2011, 23:58:13 UTC
Hah! like they'd actually help. [he chuckles. The idea of his cats with thumbs? Horrifying. They already made enough of a mess of his subterranean apartment.

Meanwhile, Shiro is doing a decent job of packing in the dirt. Not too hard, not too soft. He remembers this crap from Zangetsu. He then rips open the seed package carefully, picking out three seeds and placing them in a little triangle in the pot, then covers them with a bit of dirt] there! What are these, anyway... [looking at the package] To-may-toes. Those red things?


halycon_days April 10 2011, 05:28:09 UTC
Maybe if they could understand human language better, they might! It could be so fun to do chores while having two cat sidekicks!

[He was doing really well with his planting! She thinks that he could really be a good gardener if he really wanted to.]

Yep! They're the red fruits that you can have in salads or on burgers! They usually take a little longer to grow than the others, which is why we're doing them now.


holeheart April 11 2011, 01:18:04 UTC
Heheh! I guess so, huh? Though I dunno.

[he puts the pot aside. There!]

Oh those. Those are ok as far as stuff like that goes.


halycon_days April 11 2011, 03:16:21 UTC
Thank you! [In reference to his helpful planting.]

I think I could make some pretty delicious stuff from those when they finish growing! Have you ever tried stuffed tomatoes?


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