(no subject)

Feb 16, 2011 11:34

[ The air is cool against his face, fresh and clean after so long in the fetid darkness of the cell. It's bright, almost too bright, yet his dark eyes narrow only slightly as he tips his chin up to cast a glance at the sky. Discomfort is a fleeting thing, a mere annoyance that is easily ignored. He welcomes the burning tingle of that brightness, irrefutable proof of his freedom.

How long has it been since his confinement? He doesn't know. Without his senses to guide him through the marking of time's passage, he can make nothing more than a guess. Well reasoned, perhaps, he's had plenty of opportunity for uninterrupted contemplation, but it remains a guess nonetheless. Still, it matters little. He has returned, and he has no more patience for idle ruminations on the past than he does for trivialities like regret.

A subtle smile curves his mouth as he slips his hands into the pockets of his coat. White. Pristine. Untouched. Aizen Sousuke walks the world once more, his power no longer bound or diminished, and he's curious to see the changes that have been wrought in his absence. ]

aizen sousuke

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