Feb 10, 2011 01:45
[In a mountainous region near what looks quite similar to Rukongai is a very familiar figure. Dressed in a tattered yukata, he sits on a rock whistling a tune... and appears to be attempting to carve something.
He's holding down a piece of wood with his left foot, while he holds his zanpakutou in his left hand and carves it... It's in that moment that one might realize he has no right arm. It looks very difficult to try and carve while only having one arm... But he doesn't appear too bothered by in it.
He continues whistling before stopping momentarily.]
... Huh.
[Taking a moment to look at the sky, the silver haired man gives a bit of a smirk.] Somewhere else, eh? Not too bad...
[And he continues to carve and whistle.]
[ooc: EBI RETURNS!! IT'S CREEPER but not really. more of a canon creeper i guess. some info in his profile (ALBEIT POORLY WRITTEN INFO) for those who don't know me I WAS HERE AGES AGO, MORE PROMINENTLY IN 2009. IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME 8V I also used to play a ton of Gins what is wrong with me. NICE TO MEET'CHA also my AIM is hebbycakes now. 8)]
ichimaru gin