zutto atashi anata wo aishite ; demo no bashite ruto omoe ka no

Aug 19, 2010 22:36

[ A stone skips across a small pond, with a fox-faced man watching it. He crouches down, his Hueco Mundonian robes flowing around him as he sits, watching the rock sink into the water with a calm splash. He smirks a bit, digging his thin fingers into the dirt and taking another smooth stone into hand, before chucking it, watching it sink heavily into the water. ]

Aha... Woops.

[ There was a lot going through his mind, but he'd never show it. A lot of heavy things... But that didn't matter, not really. He had a job to do after all... if people knew it, or didn't know it, that didn't really matter.

It was hot out.

Gin wipes sweat from his brow, watching a dragonfly stop in midair, above his head. It soon flew towards the water, eating any nearby mosquitoes... They were good at that. Gin watched intently, not having much else to do that day... Besides, the bakery was gone. He hadn't really any intention of restoring it. ]

Hoo... Maybe I oughtta stop playin' around.

ichimaru gin

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