(no subject)

Aug 04, 2010 15:12

[There's been one lesson that's been continually reiterated into Gin's head since the beginning of his time within the Nexus: stay away from the area of Los Noches. Of course, it never really mattered who was telling that fact to him. If they expected that Gin was listening, they'd be a fool. He played along for a decent amount of time, yes, but even the most wily snake's patience runs out annnd...]

[Well, Gin was curious~]

[That's what the boy would tell himself as he wandered near the borders of Nueva Los Noches, anyways. The sinister air emitting from the area was enough to make him hesitate on the outskirts of the Neutral Zone, though, and as he edges step by step closer to whatever evil is lurking just out of sight, he'll be idly picking up twigs to swing at stray foliage or kicking rocks out of his way...]

ichimaru gin

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