Returning Again [Fails]

Jul 17, 2010 22:33

[Kensei felt bad he had been away so long. It felt like neglecting his duties, but he had more of a duty to be in control of himself so he could fulfill his duties to their fullest and best. Fighting with his Hollow was not the way to do that, and after several somewhat sleepless nights, he had finally decided an extended training camping trip was in order.

But going by himself wasn't really advisable, so he asked someone he trusted and knew could beat him down if he needed it. Said person? Ukitake Jyuushiro. He'd actually been surprised when the other agreed, but the surprise slid into gratefulness quickly enough. So off they had gone... for a lot long than he thought they should have rightfully been gone, but he wasn't willing to risk anything till he was positively sure he had things sorted.

So now here he was, pack at his feet, surveying the Seireitei compound, smirking as he usually did.]

All right! I'm back. Sorry that took so long guys, but I think I got all my issues worked out.

So... any spare rooms comfortable enough for two? I don't think my previous quarters are big enough to move all Ukitake's stuff in...

kensei muguruma

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