mun is as much of a troll as aizen, herpderp \o/

Jun 15, 2010 13:44

[ The youngest Aizen in the nexus happens to be standing in the middle of a field bathed in summer sunshine, the world glowing vivid green and gold, lush with a clear sky and warm breeze. The tussocks brush against his yukata as he halts to lean down and reach into a cheerful little pond for, only moments ago, a pebble dropped out of the sky and splashed him as he was walking past. At least, he assumes it was a pebble because it made a loud plop! when it landed and scared a handful of frogs away. Holding his sleeve aside, he grunts as he reaches in, feeling around the plants and bugs for something substantial ...

Sitting up, he draws out his prize and wipes off the dirt. It glints in the sunlight, perfectly smooth like a marble but black as pitch, fitting perfectly in the palm of his small hand. Holding it between thumb and forefinger, he lifts it up and squints to watch it shimmer, smiling as a result.

Someone just found a new toy. ]

aizen sousuke

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