(no subject)

May 27, 2010 16:56

[Orihime was on a mission today! She's wished up a certain outfit for the occasion to match her athletic shoes, and tied her hair back with a headband emblazoned with the kanji for "GUTS" on her forehead, all in the name of going out and doing some hardcore Hollow-hunting training!

When she finds her opponents, she steels her nerves, charges up Tsubaki... and takes a fair chunk out of the medium-sized Hollow bullying a smaller one, going on to beat it back with one fierce little fairy and blocking any attacks with Santen Kesshun until the Hollow gives up and wanders away (with a bit of a "WTF?" expression, but that is neither here no there).

Somehow, her mission of kicking butt has turned into sitting down with the Hollow left behind (a peculiar creature that was somewhere between a mastiff and a cow), and having a cup of tea with it.]

... and that's the best way to make Inoue-style yakisoba! And I would make it with dog treats and no B-E-E-F, just for you, Inuushi-san!

[... The Hollow looks between the girl, and the giant cup of untouched tea before it, and lets out a "mmmmoooooof".]

inoue orihime

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