
May 06, 2010 19:20

[He isn't sure what it is exactly he's feeling, but he thinks he might have an idea. Heated cheeks and rapidly beating heart was his symptoms, the former he sees from others all the time.

Shifting in his spot, his hopes someone can give him some answers as to what's going on.]

U-Um... Is it weird to think about a person a lot?

[And as his heart beats ( Read more... )

kurosaki ichigo

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miniweaver May 9 2010, 03:59:54 UTC
[Orihime had been following a caravan of ants when she spotted her friend.]

Hi, Ichigo-chan!

[She notices that he looks more dejected than last time, and hopes he and his mom are okay.]

Ano... did something happen, Ichigo-chan?


orangeinnocence May 9 2010, 04:07:52 UTC
AH- O-Orihime-san!!

[She had been the last person he hoped to see, in a sense. He very much wanted to see her again, but after all this talk with his other friends, he was very nervous and embarrassed.]

I-I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be fine? Nothing happened except me figuring out that I really li-

[He stops, face catching on fire before throwing his hands up to his mouth.]

S-Sorry... Never mind...


miniweaver May 9 2010, 17:50:33 UTC

[She realizes that she called him -chan and he called her -san. OH NOES! That must be why he's embarrassed! He can't tell her that they aren't that close yet because he's so nice! Now she's embarrassed too! She blushes, and bows.]

I-I'm sorry!


orangeinnocence May 9 2010, 18:01:39 UTC
W-Wait, why are you apologizing? I'm the one who freaked out on you.

[Shifting his weight from foot to foot, he thinks about his replies carefully. This is one person he doesn't want to say anything wrong to.]

You don't need to apologize for anything... Okay?


miniweaver May 10 2010, 03:59:43 UTC
[She wants to protest for a minute, but the look on his face is so honest that she doesn't want to disagree.]


[Then she remembers what else she was wondering before.]

Ah, how is your mom?


orangeinnocence May 10 2010, 11:37:12 UTC
My mom is fine, as always...

[He pauses, trying to remember her family.]

Oh! Did you find your brother at all yet? It'd be awfully sad if you were still alone...


miniweaver May 10 2010, 17:50:52 UTC
I'm glad. [She smiles.]

O-oh... not yet, but I'm still looking for him! [She pumps her fist in the air determinedly, but her eyes are a little too shiny...]

I hope he's not worried about me...


orangeinnocence May 10 2010, 20:26:35 UTC
[Now he's sad to hear she hasn't found him yet and frowns.]

I-I'm sure he knows you're strong and stuff, that you can take care of yourself...

But, uh, that reminds me... You're not alone still, are you? I mean, do you live in a house at all?


D'aww angsty children ;_; miniweaver May 10 2010, 21:15:17 UTC
Alone? Um... I don't live in a house, but as long as I have Ichigo-kun and the Older-me-chans, I'm not really alone, right?

[She smiles, but her voice is still a little shaky. She's been sleeping under a nice tree with a warm blanket and Enraku (which is a fun adventure!), but she wishes she could wish for Onii-chan to come to the Nexus.]


It's the weight of the world on their little shoulders!! orangeinnocence May 10 2010, 21:18:04 UTC
You don't live in a...

You really shouldn't be alone like that! Even with friends, having a place to stay is safer than sleeping outside. Which I really hope you're not doing...

[He's just really worried about her, even if it sounds like he's angry of sorts.]

You should stay with us.


Ichi is so sweet <3 miniweaver May 11 2010, 02:21:07 UTC
Eh, really?! [This idea makes her happy, with lit-up eyes and slightly pink cheeks]

Are you sure there's enough room for me? I don't want to be a problem...


lol, he tries~ orangeinnocence May 11 2010, 02:35:03 UTC
Y-Yeah... I'm sure my mom won't mind, and I think there's a spare bedroom you can use.

... You'd never be a problem, Orihime-san.


Re: lol, he tries~ miniweaver May 11 2010, 05:11:44 UTC
[Now she smiles widely, all sadness forgotten.]

Ichigo-kun and his mom are so nice! Thank you! That would be really fun! [She bounces up and down on her tippy-toes with excitement. She gets a funny feeling in her stomach and wants to hug him, but she's not sure that it would be okay.]


Hug him!! It'd be the cutest thing in the woooorld~ orangeinnocence May 11 2010, 11:33:39 UTC
Heh, it's no problem at all. Glad to see you're so happy about it.

[Mentally, he makes a note to let his mom know of their new guest later.]


Okay, then! Hug timez! ^-^ miniweaver May 12 2010, 02:39:47 UTC
[The funny feeling gets stronger when he grins, and impulsively, Orihime steps forward and hugs him around the neck.]


CUUUUTE orangeinnocence May 12 2010, 02:43:37 UTC

[He certainly didn't see that coming and he had to grab a hold of her too so she wouldn't send them flying backwards.

But as he cautiously returns the hug, he finds this kind of... nice. It feels different somehow from the hugs he gets from other friends and family.]


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