Title: Zakuro wo San Tsubu Tabe ta Shoi (石榴を三粒食べた所為)
Circle/Artist: BlueSYSTEM-a/Usami Yuko
Pairings: Nnoitra/Szayel + Aizen/Ilforte/Szayel
Rating: R-18, Not Work Safe
Pages: 30
Language: Japanese RAW
Um.... Really, really hot Arrancar porn. If you like porn, you'll like this. Unless you're really into bara, in which case you are sooo out of luck with BlueSYSTEM-a. Hell, she made Ishida a hermaphrodite (LOL VAGINA) in one of her books.
Alright, delicious girly-boys aside: It is so god-damned hard to keep track of the Arrancar names. What the fuck? I should not have to use Google for an hour just to sort out who is screwing whom.
The first part of the book basically consists of Tesla (Nnoitra's Fracción, far left on cover) walking in on Nnoitra (long black hair) fucking Szayel (pink hair, glasses). Tesla seems to have a lot of angst-ridden inner dialogue going on, but he plays his part as the proper Fracción even while Szayel seems to be taunting him.
Then there are 4 insert pages, which I wouldn't usually mention, but these ones are...
The next part is where the majority of the porn takes place in the form of an incestuous, drug-aided threesome. Those two guys sitting down on the right side of the cover - Szayel and Ilforte (long blond hair) - are brothers. Ilforte looks like he's been drugged out of his freaking mind. And Aizen (center-cover, facing away) is being his usual pleasant, creepy, sadistic self.
I love BlueSYSTEM-a.
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