Title: Double Berry Cheesecake (from the Szayel anthology “God Save the Queen”)
Circle: Blue-SYSTEMa
Rating: R-18
Length: 8 pgs plus 2 cover pages
Pairs: Nnoitra/Szayel, Szayel/Tesla, Nnoitra/Szayel/Tesla
vixenargentum (scans, cleaning, translation, typeset)
Summary: After Szayel finishes a romp with Nnoitra, he decides to tease poor Tesla. Eventually, Nnoitra has had enough of Szayel’s play and Tesla’s protests, and he decides to shut them up.
Warnings: Noncon/Dubcon from Tesla’s POV. M/M sex of all kinds. M/M/M sex. Hints of a stocking fetish.
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