Hello all!
I am selling more beautiful UlquiHime doujinshi!
TITLE: Enter The Circus SOLD!
CIRCLE: Otome Damashii
PAGES: ~40
CONDITION: Excellent! I looked it over once and put it back in its plastic sleeve.
CONTENT: Ulquiorra x Orihime, with appearances by Ichigo, Ishida, Grimmjow, Szayel and a few other minor characters.
PRICE: $27, shipping not included.
Additional image (NSFW):
i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll202/lil_broken_dolly/Sales/SCAN0008-1.jpg i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll202/lil_broken_dolly/Sales/SCAN0007-1.jpg TITLE: Promettitore
CIRCLE: Affettuoso
CONDITION: Excellent! I looked it over once and put it back in its plastic sleeve, because I am super anal retentive about the condition of my things.
CONTENT: Ulquiorra x Orihime
PRICE: $25, shipping not included.
US shipping will be $5 per doujin. Combined US shipping for both will be $7. International shipping will be more.
I will also be listing M by mar/e in the next day or two...no time to scan covers / samples tonight!
I accept Paypal, but no e-checks.
PM or leave a comment here if interested!
Thanks a bunch!