Hi, sharing this mix fandom dj that is classified as an gintama dj outthere. Although I didn't find it at a site, I believe the source is taiwan and I learn about it at a chinese site so I'll stick to my usuall way of sharing these. But I'm still surprised that my emule finaly served for something lol. I decided to share the link to the complete dj and not only the bleach part so don't get to desperate going tru the gintama part as I did :)
More ByaRen, well I'm dying of happiness right now :))))))))))))
Title: 同人精选系列14 (14 pick doujin series )
Circle: 七生 (Nanami- Nanao)
Pairing: ??x??; ByaRen; ??x??)
Scanner: Unknow- no watermark