Game Format

May 12, 2007 17:45

-The mods prefer the Third Person Past-Tense format for narratives, so use this. Otherwise, the style is up to your choosing-- pick one that fits with your character, and most importantly, one that is easy and fun for you to write in. If you prefer descriptive prose, choose this. If you prefer to get to the point with lots of action, choose this.

-LOGS are in-character, third person past-tense posts on the community which involve your character and at least one other person's character. If you have two characters and wish to log them together, you must either write a fic and post it in the ooc community labeled as canon, or you can log them provided that another player is involved. Logs should be written over IM services, email or the 110 Forums, have the IM formatting removed if necessary, compiled and posted on the community in the format posted below:

Log title:
Characters involved:

The subject line should say: [log] Character 1, Character 2, Character 3, etc.

-NARRATIVES are in-character, third person past-tense posts on the out-of-character community which involve only your character and the actions and/or thoughts of only your character. They may sometimes be a composite of the actions of multiple characters, if the players agree to write one together. Narratives do not count toward your posting requirements, and can be considered part of your character-canon if you want, or can be considered "extra material" outside of canon for your own entertainment. In other words, game-based fanfiction.

-Content warnings should be in place for any mature content. The mods would prefer not to refer to this as "objectionable" content, because if you have strong objections to sex, violence, drug use, alternative culture etc., you probably should not be applying to or playing in a game in which a large part of the cast are members of a heavy metal band.

-LJ-cuts should be used for all logs. The header should be visible, but the log itself must be under a cut with a quote from the log.

[log] Grimmjow, Ulquiorra

Title: Fake log
Characters: Grimmjow Jaggerjack (kore_haiga), Ulquiorra Schiffer (kendraxplague)
Timeline: August 1, 2007
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary: Grimmjow and Ulquiorra talk about the band.



format, mod post, game information

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