Name: Alturo Plateado (played by
Age: 29
History: Alturo. The name known to hundreds of households across the nationand thousands of fans across the globe. One Diamond (Double Platinum) single, three Platinum albums, and four Gold singles. A defining influence in the progression of rock and heavy metal, a unique sound with powerful lyrics and composition. The leading name in theindustry and a proud talent of Hougyoku Records.
...ten years ago.
Discovered and signed at age seventeen, Alturo Plateado had everything that the industry wanted and that skyrocketed him to fame. The sole talent, he created lyrics and wrote strong compositions for them, then sang and screamed them out to a crowd as he played lead guitar, backed by talent hired for each tour and rehearsed into a solid sound to support his powerful performances.
With fame came money, with money came drugs and alcohol, and with those came addictions and problems. Alturo started to slide after his third Gold single and by his fourth, he had become an addicted shadow of his former self. Problems continued to escalate for the troubled star, until the culmination of an arrest and a vastly out-of-proportion story run in Soul Society agazine. To their notes, he had been arrested on charges of manslaughter after an altercation in a bar, where in reality it had been charges of assault that were ultimately dropped and iterated on record as self defence.
Though Alturo walked away from the incident with a clear criminal record, his reputation had been left in shambles after a series of exposés by the magazine, highlighting his descent into drugs, alcohol, and a resulting final termination of his contract after his nineteenth birthday.
Ten years passed and Alturo spent them in obscurity, doing the occasional gig for a fan with money or, for the better part, being blocked on all ideas of lyrics and composition, two strengths that had carried him far. Work varied and there were long stretches without it, forcing the former star into a tired old apartment with subsidized rent in one of the lesser areas of the city.
At age twenty-nine, he grew fed up with his lot in life and -- after reading a similarly tarnishing article on another band by the same magazine that had ruined him -- Alturo vowed that he would rise to fame again and prove the disparaging comments Soul Society had once made to be wrong. They had ruined his life before and he would not fall victim a second time.
That lead Alturo Plateado back to the doors of Hougyoku Records and into employment as an archives clerk, but this immersion back into the industry is waking up his rusted inspirations once more and he continues to attend local Open Mic nights wherever the talent agents show in order to force them to acknowledge his ability once again and take him on again.
Name: Cirucci Thunderwitch (played by
Age: 26
History: A princess from childhood, Cirucci is used to getting everything she wants. From cars to clothes to men, her two independently wealthy parents made certain she was spoiled to no end. She was raised in private schools with tutors in almost every subject and her parents paid her way all through college with bribes and careful donations to the alumni association. She graduated with honors from a prestigious university with a major in Music, specializing in Operatic performance.
But, Cirucci had little interest in pursuing a career in the opera just yet, although many performing companies had attempted to scout her out. With the
encouragement of her boyfriend at the time, she moved to California to start a new band, featuring her unique operatic talent and bringing a new face to punk music. And, while the boyfriend didn't last after being caught in bed with Cirucci's roommate, the band did, quickly being scouted by Aizen Sousuke of Hougyoku Records.
Renowned as the queen of alternative music, Cirucci thrived on the popularity that came with their fame, stealing the interviews for herself and causing drama after drama with any band that dared encroach on what she considered her territory. It wasn't until the day Grimmjow Jaegerjaques slapped her into face and kicked her from the Arrancar that her reputation began to plummet.
Without the band, Cirucci had little support, especially with the slip in popularity her diva-esque antics had earned her, but she still had a contract with Hougyoku Records, one that she was damned if she was going to give up. Within days of leaving the Arrancar, Cirucci filed a proposal with the corporation's head and began to work with her agent on a new set of songs and a fresh style. She would not go down without a fight and the Arrancar were, indeed, going down.