Intense Threesome!

Nov 14, 2009 18:38

This com better not be dead D:<

Title: Bad Boys Need To Be Punished
Characters: Kuchiki Byakuya x Abarai Renji x Zarak
Rating: NC-17
Kinks: D/s, collar+ leash, various plugs/dildos, hair pulling, Handcuffs, ball gag, blindfold, masturbation, double pen (and probably more)
Summary: After claiming Renji as his sex pet for quite some time, he's angered to see his red head being too friendly around Ichigo. Punishment is defenitely required. There's honestly a bit of everything in this XD; dunno how that's possible.

The red head stood up from his sitting position on the bridge outside of the 6th division’s headquarters to turn towards the person who had called out his name. Of course it was none other than Kurosaki Ichigo.
“Yo, Ichigo!” he called out as the spiky orange haired boy jumped over the railing and landed in front of him.
“Long time no see” Ichigo said playfully and he pulled Renji into a quick kiss.
A blush spread over his surprised face as Ichigo pulled away and shone a cheeky smile.
“Don’t look so flustered now you idiot, not like we haven’t done this before, and not like anyone saw” and Ichigo poked Renji in the ribs with his elbow.
“Y-yeah, I know-“Renji started, trying to shake the flustered look from his face.
“Well then lighten up yeah?” Ichigo laughed and he decided to have a bit more fun with his flustered friend and pulled him into a kiss once again, this time deeper and for a bit longer.
As blushed as the red head was, he didn’t pull away from the kiss of try and make Ichigo stop in anyway.
It was about a month or so ago when Ichigo and Renji finally confessed their feelings for each other, however they hadn’t really told anyone yet. Especially because of the complications it would cause in ‘relationships’ they had with others, not to mention the tens of people who were a little too fond of both of them.
Ichigo rubbed his tongue against Renji’s lips, wanting to deepen the kiss even further and take full control of the situation. They had never decided traditional ‘roles’ of a relationship such as this and neither of them were about to give in and call uke. Renji quickly gained back his confidence and as soon as Ichigo depend the kiss, he dove his tongue into the others mouth and battled for dominance. Neither of them backed down and in the end when the kiss was broken glares were exchanged.
“Why can’t you just give in Renji! It’s clear who’s gonna be topping here okay”
“Oh really? Then may you please explain last night’s activities?” Renji smirked and raised a brow towards the other who now had a nice blush of his own flaming crimson on his cheeks.
“H-hey, that was a onetime thing okay! Don’t get used to that” Ichigo raged as he lifted his head back up and poked the red head in the middle of the chest.”
“If you asked anyone who was topping in this little relationship I’m sure they would all pick me!” Renji boasted.
Ichigo scoffed. “As if they would! You’re the one who’s pussy about telling anyone about us anyways!” Ichigo yelled, letting out a bit of hurt slip through at the end.
“I-Ichigo…it’s not that I don’t want to tell people it’s just I don’t -“
“Renji, forget it, I have something to take care of right now I forgot…so catch you later” Ichigo said, his spirit sounding crushed as he leapt from the balcony to leave Renji standing, wondering what had just happened.
“Shit” Renji cursed under his breath as he was called for the second time that afternoon, this time by someone he didn’t really want to see right now. Of course when you hang out in their territory…you’re bound to run into them.
“What do you want Byakuya” Renji said with distaste as he was circled by the graceful captain. His eyes were calmly searching him but he knew what Byakuya was up to, it was always the same and he felt quite violated.
Byakuya came closer and hooked a finger under Renji’s chin. His head was forcefully tilted upwards.
“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation Abarai…-kun” He whispered into the red heads ear.
Renji couldn’t help but shutter a bit at the warm breath caressing the shell of his exposed ear, but he managed to pull his head from the Tachou’s grasp.
There really wasn’t much point in fighting back with Kuchiki Byakuya. The man was graceful, calm and truly a gorgeous sight. His power was hidden within his calm demeanour but anyone who knew him well knew that messing with him was not something in your best interest. And Renji knew him well; maybe too well.
All he could do was cast his glance downwards, what could he say to defend himself?
“Renji, you know your place is with me. You’ve been a good plaything for quite some time now.” Byakuya teased; however spite was clear in his voice.
Renji’s fists visually tensed at the taunts. He couldn’t deny that what Byakuya was saying was the truth, but to him there had been no contract made in this so-called relationship he held with the suave taichou.
“Byakuya-“ Renji begun, annoyance seeping through “I assume you heard everything, it’s always right for someone to assume that with you. So just let me make it clear that I might…actually have something with Ichigo…This has been fun but…I think it’s time to move on” Renji swallowed hard at the end of that sentence. Byakuya’s eyes were piercing his confidence harder with every word spoken and he could hardly look towards his face let alone in the eye.
There was a pause too long for Renji’s liking.
“You know Abarai…I don’t think I ever decided that you could have the freedom to make that choice” Byakuya said, laying back on the formalities and gracefulness that allowed him to hide what he was truly feeling. However the smugness in his voice could never have been masked.
“What did you say!? Since when was my freedom taken by yourself taichou?” Renji almost mocked, anger boiling in his blood.
“You know Abarai…I think this conversation is taking up time that we could spend doing much more constructive and useful things…” Suggestions dripped from the graceful man’s words as he stepped closer to Renji once again, and despite the calm mood, he grabbed the front of Renji’s coat quite roughly.
“So, care to step inside?” Byakuya almost hissed against his neck.
Did he have a choice? Of course he would be made to step inside. Just like every other time.
He remembered the first day that Byakuya had approached him. The curiosity to find out more about the mysterious man fuelled Renji’s motivation to comply, and explore his idol shinigami. Albeit he was surprised at the invitation, but once those strong lips were on his own there was nothing he could do but try and enjoy what was about to happen.
Soon enough Byakuya’s visits to his room became more and more frequent. Rarely did they do anything about the 6th headquarters. This day Renji just so happened to perhaps be in the wrong place at the wrong time. After he and Ichigo had started something up, he’d been waiting to break whatever he had with Kuchiki off as soon as he could. Unfortunately it was proving to be quite a hard task.
“B-Byakuya…I’d rather not” Renji replied shakily, at least trying to stand up for himself.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Byakuya replied sternly.
“Abarai, you’re being very incompliant. I think I need to do something about this.” Frustration almost broke out in his words, but before Renji knew it, Byakuya had swept them into his room and shut the door. Renji was almost flown to the opposite side of the very traditional looking room and was pinned to the back wall.
“Now, still feeling like you want to leave?” Byakuya questioned, calm tone almost returning to his voice.
Renji was still being held by his shirt collar, putting him in a more vulnerable situation than he would have liked.
“Y-yes” He hissed as the hand tightened around his clothing, beginning to constrict his air. He had to think of Ichigo.
Byakuya did not look pleased at his answer; to be expected.
“Listen Renji, I didn’t bring you into this to have you walk away whenever you pleased. We play by my rules especially when in my territory. When you leave here today maybe you’ll think twice about wanting to leave again.” Byakuya threatened again, the control slipping from his tone, letting a bit of his wilder side break free.
Anyone who merely glanced at Byakuya could tell he was dangerous. It didn’t take a genius to figure that much out.
Byakuya dragged Renji over to the right a little and pulled a metal bar out from between the muted screen walls. As if it wasn’t surprising enough that Kuchiki would have something like this in his home, there was also what looked to be quite a worn pair of handcuffs linked around a hole through the middle.
Renji’s eyes widened when he felt cold metal on his wrist and heard the latch of the handcuff slide closed.
“Byakuya!” Renji growled as he became officially trapped. His arm was hanging above him and he knew even if nothing else happened, which he was sure it would, all the blood rushing from his limb would not be pleasant either.
Renji tugged on the handcuff to confirm that it was truly locked tight. And of course it was.
“You bastard, just what are you planning on doing now!” Renji growled. “You know I wouldn’t be able to run from you anyways!” He snarled; very pissed off at being visibly trapped.
“Naughty men need to be punished Abarai-kun” was Byakuya’s only calm explanation. Renji watched with intent as the darker haired man walked to a bed side table and his eyes widened yet again with a mix of shock and horror as he watched Byakuya pull several things that were very unwanted from that very small looking drawer. Whips, chains, and questionably shaped objects were all carted over to where Renji was chained to the wall and set down on a nearby shelf.
“So, let’s get you all prepared then shall we?” Byakuya teased,
The infuriating calm tone completely returning to his voice.

The rest of the chapters (except the last which is after all the sex already) is up on my fanfiction. So if you're being impaitent for me to post them here, go give them a read there! And please leave me a comment here or a review on fanfiction :D you'll make my night!
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