Ways of Binding, Part 5

Aug 22, 2007 06:56

What:  Ways of Binding, Part 5
Who:   Byakuya x Renji
Rating/Warnings:  R for yaoi, cursing, sexual situations, and delicious bondage & discipline.
Spoilers:  SS  arc, bit of HM arc
Disclaimer:  Don't own Bleach or any of these hot boys. Just like to play with them.

Bleach_BDSM comm note: As gogo's co-mod gogodgene said in the notes to her fic... Hello and welcome to all those browsing the comm. We already have a variety of wicked BDSM-themed fics posted, but most are NC-17, and hence f-locked.

Summary: Kuchiki taichou invokes a way of binding spell on Renji in order to teach the fiesty redhead about discipline. Right. As if that's going to get said redhead to behave...

Author's note: For everyone who reads this series and thinks, "Whoa, that's major OOC..." First of all, I (obviously) regard Byakuya as rather dark and perverse (and emotionally repressed). As for the bondage & discipline... Certain aspects of B&D can incorporate structure, highly defined roles, characterization/roleplay/masks (ahem), a degree of emotional distance, power, and, of course, discipline. The way I see it, incorporating B&D into Byakuya's sexuality makes more sense than turning him into a super-uke. After all, as per canon...Renji was the one who ended up in handcuffs...not Bya.

Beyond that, Ways of Binding is a bondage-themed fic. Work with gogo a bit, 'k...? Some interesting things are bound to happen. (bad pun...couldn't resist) As alway, thnxxx for reading. xoxo- gogo


The restraining spell wasn’t meant to be painful, but, under certain circumstances, it could get rather…uncomfortable. Renji was free to think, but he couldn’t blink, relax, shift, or speak. Though the fragrant smoke from the candle now tickled his nose something fierce, he couldn’t sneeze or cough.

Unless forcibly moved or manipulated, every muscle, bone, and sinew would remain stuck in that position until the spell was lifted-including his raging hard-on.

The demon silks that bound his body also constricted his reiatsu, reducing his normal flow of energy to a mere trickle.

Byakuya’s first encounter with the mid-level demon art spell was at the tender age of seven, when his crafty nanny decided she’d had more than enough of his insolence. Even then, he should have recognized the mumbled incantation as a kidou spell. He just hadn’t expected a servant to possess any significant shinigami powers. The experience gave him a new respect for the old hag, and sparked a life-long interest in the more arcane uses for kidou.

He turned (flipping his hair, of course) and sauntered across his office, confident that the cocky redhead wasn’t going anywhere. After a few steps, he disappeared from Renji’s field of vision.

“Oi!!” Renji tried hollering, but the sound was nothing more than a dull echo in his mind. “Can’t fuckin’ move! Way of fuckin’ binding 21? Don’t remember learning that one at the Academy. Did ya make that shit up?”

Meanwhile, Byakuya was dragging a heavy wooden chair toward the front of the desk. He positioned the chair about five feet away from Renji and gave the ornately carved back a pseudo-affectionate pat.

“Been in the Kuchiki clan for six generations,” he murmured, arching one sculpted eyebrow suggestively.

“What’s this teme gonna do now?” Renji wondered. “Weren’t we jus’ kissing? What the fuck happened to the kissing?”

One could almost imagine Byakuya humming to himself, if he were the type to do that sort of thing. Instead, arched eyebrows and the occasional little smirk were about as close to humming as the reserved aristocrat was likely to get.

Renji had to admit this whole spirit-silk-bondage thing was kinda kinky. And while he could totally see the untouchable lord getting off through a kink that kept his partner’s hands and mouth at bay, Renji couldn’t forget the other time Kuchiki taichou invoked a bakudou spell against him. The kidou master had once again skipped the incantation, immobilizing Renji with bakudou 61 mere seconds before Senbonzakura’s bankai invaded his flesh.

Suddenly, the lusty redhead stopped fearing for the comfort of his tortured hard-on and started fearing for his life.

“He’s gonna kill me for real this time…” he thought. “An’ I’m stuck. Can’t event fight! Aw hell… Move, dammit, move, move, move!” Renji willed himself to counter the spell as his oppressor/taichou began prying his rigid fingers away from the desk.

“Do not struggle,” Byakuya warned, his voice as even and impassive as ever, “unless you wish for more discomfort…”

Right now, Renji had all the discomfort he needed, thanks to the porcelain skin, angelic features, and long, graceful neck that were much closer than they needed to be for the task at hand. As much as he yearned to break the binding spell and gather this living sculpture into his arms, he now believed that touching the great noble was the akin to signing his own death warrant.

The willowy Kuchiki grabbed the larger man by the shoulder and hip, and, with a huff, hoisted him off the desk, depositing him rather unceremoniously on the armless chair. Though Renji’s posture was far from perfect, it was enough to keep him “sitting pretty.”

Byakuya raked Renji’s long bangs back and over to one side, freeing his eyes from the curtain of hair and exposing more of his jagged tattoos. Next, he grasped Renji’s chin and jerked it forward so that the immoveable gaze was trained somewhere around his chest.

“This will never do,” Byakuya thought. He covered Renji’s eyes with the pads of his index and middle fingers, and applied the slightest amount of kidou-charged reiatsu. As soon as he pulled away, the unblinking eyes began to move freely, though the eyelids stayed put.

The sly taichou glided out of Renji’s field of vision once more. This time, the redhead distinctly heard the sharp click and snap of the dual lock on taichou’s door.

“He jus’ locked the damn door now?” Renji hollered at himself. “But, what if…?”

Before he could complete that thought, his distinguished leader swooped back to his side of the desk, sitting down comfortably as if the entire situation was business as usual.

Byakuya proceeded to gather the mess of paperwork, smoothing any wrinkled pages, and checking to make sure all were properly notarized. He gave one of those delicate little sighs and turned his full attention to a lengthy report from another division.

“Paperwork? You are fuckin’ insane!” Renji howled silently at his placid taichou. He cringed internally as the angry howl reverberated in his ears. He couldn’t utter a sound, but his body reacted as though he was actually shouting.

In fact, every sound was amplified. No…not just sound. Scent…. The candle…the spicy sweetness that he usually loved now smelled irritatingly pungent. Sight…. He could see miniscule scuffs and scratches on the heirloom desk that would normally be all but invisible to the naked eye. Taste…that one would surely have its pros and cons…. Perhaps it was a good thing Renji couldn’t move his tongue.

But touch….. Gods…touch….  He could feel every piece of spirit silk pulling and tugging against his raw skin. When Kuchiki taichou had grasped his chin, he could have sworn he felt the man’s fingerprints. And now, every little bead of sweat that collected on his forehead or hovered in between his shoulder blades threatened to completely overwhelm his senses. So, the spell restricted movement, while amplifying all of his senses. Brilliant…yet so, so unfair….

“Ya know? This could be fuckin’ fun!” Renji fumed. “I can feel these bindings pullin’ against my damn cock! This could be so hot.…”

“Discipline, Renji.…” A detached, markedly bored voice cleanly sliced into his fervid thoughts. Byakuya continued scanning the report. Renji glanced up and then quickly averted his eyes. He really needed to blink. His eyes were starting to tear and, bloody hell, he did not want taichou to think he was fuckin’ crying.

“…Just a modicum of discipline,” the smooth voice continued. “I have neither threatened nor harmed you. I have simply…immobilized you. Even in such a condition, you cannot sit still and remain quiet for five minutes?”

Byakuya calmly put another page of the report face down on his desk. “I can hear the timber of your voice… This kidou allows me to hear your thoughts...” He glanced over the multi-page report to watch anxious auburn eyes deepen to a dark, bloody garnet.

“Again, so responsive,” the quietly kinky heir thought. “That sanguine color is…appealing.”

His strategically indifferent gaze returned to the paperwork, though he was only pretending to read the long document. “Rather, I can sense your frustration. Though, do trust that I can hear your inner diatribes…if I so choose. Currently, I am holding out for a bit of peace and quiet….”

That shut Renji up.

“This is almost pleasant,” Byakuya said after a few minutes of true silence. Truth be told, the gutsy fukutaichou had given up his rants to focus on the embarrassing dribble of drool that threatened to leak out the corner of his mouth. Renji could do nothing about the beads of sweat that stung his eyes, nor the flush of tears that immediately followed. Yet, he was almost convinced that if he just kept concentrating, he’d be able to coax his throat into swallowing…. It would be a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

“Mmmm…” Byakuya turned his head to contemplate some imaginary speck on the far wall. “I have, on rare occasions, considered moving your desk into this office.” The elder’s voice was flat and impersonal, as if he was simply commenting on the weather or reminding himself of an upcoming meeting. “Having you nearby would allow me to better supervise your administrative responsibilities...”

No need for Renji to raise his tattooed eyebrows in surprise; they were already stuck in that position. He lifted his bleary eyes to study the pale, serene profile.

“Bull fuckin’ shit,” he scoffed, soundlessly. “An’ I don’ care if you can hear this, taichou. Somehow, ya missed me training for bankai. You missed my battles in the Living World. Missed when I went one on fuckin’ one with the Arrancar. Ya sent me off to Hueco Mundo with a cape and blank stare, knowing I’d give my life yet again to save yer little sister-if it fuckin’ came down to that.”

“But in the six years I’ve been your fukutaichou,” he snarled, indeed hoping that taichou would ‘hear’ him. “Not once have you missed me skimpin’ or rushin’ through bloody ass paperwork!”

This passionate “internal outburst” caused the silky spirit bindings to automatically tighten.

It was curious-no, it was uncanny-how the invisible bindings had managed to wrap so securely around his swollen, aching cock and tightened sac. He could feel them constricting over that thick, pulsing vein, and rubbing back and forth across the sensitive spot just beneath the delicate tip. Somehow, the demon bindings had wrapped not just around his balls, but in between them…lifting, separating, and squeezing them in a way that made the poor redhead want to moan and scream simultaneously. Renji’s tortured member was now positively weeping pre-cum. The feel of the sticky fluid trickling down the inflamed tip of his manhood nearly drove him insane.

“And…” Byakuya continued dryly, paying no mind to the waves of frustration and carnal need pouring out of the younger man. “Your immediate presence would make the work day more…interesting.”

The cool captain cast a quick glance at his fuming fukutaichou. “I find your appearance to be…pleasing,” he said, voice steady, eyes aloof.

“Nani?!” Whether or not taichou was “listening”-and, who knows, maybe he was bluffing about that whole ‘I can hear your thoughts’ shit-he read Renji’s reaction loud and clear. For a brief moment, those flinty eyes ignited with a curious, almost devious, desire. It was the same smoldering fire that burned in Byakuya’s eyes whenever he and Renji sparred.

“Prince Privacy wantin’ to share his office wit’ me?” Renji thought. “Cuz he likes lookin’ at me? Hell, no. An’ not like I believe a word of it. Stupid kenseikan thingy’s been tuggin’ on his pretty head for one too many centuries. Crazy baka! RIP Cap’n Kuchiki. Hello, Cap’n Mindfuck! Che… An’ what does that make me? Abarai fucked-in-the-head fukutaichou… OUCH!!”

The kidou bindings tightened once more, though, this time they felt less like silk scarves and more like rough, coarsely woven ropes as they dug into his over-sensitized flesh.

“However…” Byakuya didn’t miss a beat. “Hearing you is an entirely different matter. I prefer to work in relative quiet. You possess a consummate need to make as much noise as possible. ”

The Kuchiki emitted one of those “what am I to do with you?” sighs, made all the more cynical by the pernicious gleam in his eyes.

“As tempting as it may be, I cannot bind and gag you every time I desire a period of tranquility.” The toneless voice yielded nothing, but Renji knew he was being mocked.

“And so we come back to self-control and discipline…”

“Feh. Yer tactics are all wrong, taichou,” Renji mentally cut him off. “Cuz I clearly remember bein’ quiet as damn mouse when I snuck in here an’ watched you finger fuck that candle.”

“An’ I recall keepin’ mostly quiet when you kissed me, give or take a moan or two. Which, as I remember, you seemed to like hearin’ at the time…” In his mind, Renji was throwing it right back in the Kuchiki’s pretty face.

“So, if ya want me to shut up and sit still like a good lil’ doggie, maybe ya need to put down that damn paperwork, an’ come over here, an’ touch me. C’mon, taichou…" He tried to sound sexy, but by this point he was nearly pleading. "Throw me a frickin’ bone, if ya know what I mean….”

Byakuya tilted his head to look directly at Renji. His platinum eyes widened and his lips twisted into a self-righteous sneer. “Touch you?”

His voice was low and insinuating. “In light of your transgressions and our subsequent discussion about discipline…what makes you think you…deserve…to be touched, Abarai fukutaichou? Do you really think I would reward such a pathetic lack of self control?”

Well. How ‘bout that? Taichou really could “hear” Renji’s thoughts. Which meant he’d probably been “listening” the whole time.

Oh crap…


This pic was a true find. So perfect the way Bya has one hand on Renji's wrist, the other in
his hair. It's uncanny... I love it so much. Whoever the artist is...big yaoi hugs and thnx from gogo.


Dedicated to gogo's garufurendo greenhillsmadam ,who finally got her spankable butt on LJ.
Our xxx, yaoi/yuri, smut-filled conversations gave gogo the idea for this story and many other happy plot bunnies.


(gogo knows she promised to post more sexy B&D pics, but LJ always fights tooth and nail whenever she attempts to include images in LJ posts. Look for more pics soon on bleach_bdsm

Ways of Binding, Part 1:  Why is he so damn untouchable?
Ways of Binding, Part 2:  Jus’ you and me, taichou…. Man to man….
Ways of Binding, Part 3: ...with Byakuya’s lean body in between his quivering legs...
Ways of Binding, Part 4:  It is discipline that truly separates us from animals.

renji, fanfic, mod post, bondage, binding, byakuya, r, discipline, ways of binding, b&d, yaoi

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