A Closet Sex Kitten Come Out to Play

Jun 02, 2008 08:28

This one had me laughing my virgin arse off. Oh, the things I do for Gogo! It's really short and rather pointless. I hope I didn't do too badly! XD

Title: A Closet Sex Kitten Come Out to Play
Pairing: Hisagi Shuuhei x Kira Izuru
Warnings: Kink. Author running on zero braincells and creativity.
Rating: I'd say R.
Notes: For the outrageously awesome gogochan and and entry for the Spring Fling Contest to boot. And. Well. AHAHAHAHAHA XD

Hisagi repeatedly rolled and unrolled the small piece of paper, already soft from too much handling, between his thumb and two fingers as he waited patiently for Kira to come out.

Already he was wondering what Kira had in store for him, what they would do once Kira stepped back into the room; what he would do to Kira once the blonde stepped back into the room, what Kira would let him do.

Hisagi leaned back against the pillows and mused over what was quickly becoming the best weekend of his life.

Having Kira ride him was fun; the image of the younger shinigami, his head thrown back, lean frame arching beautifully as he fucked himself on Hisagi's cock unforgettable in its perfection as was the feel of Kira's long legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he fucked the blond hard against the wall next. Just as enjoyable if not more so was Kira on his knees, with only his wrists tied to the headboard and Hisagi's hands on his pelvis holding him up. Then there was Hisagi holding Kira down on his back. Kira gasped and moaned, cried out, whimpered and screamed, completely at his mercy and begging for more, pulling the dark-haired shinigami closer with his legs, the sharp heels of the shoes he wore digging deliciously into Hisagi's back.

Hisagi briefly wondered if Kira had kept that particular pair.


Hisagi jumped when the bathroom door slid open and Kira finally stepped out robbing the 9th Division Vice-Captain of all rational thought save for the one that enabled him to cross "Cheerleading" out from his list with shaking fingers.

Kira, a sex kitten. Who would've thought? Hisagi wondered as he eyed the short skirt, the pom-poms and the look on Kira's face.

He licked his lips appreciatively at the sight.

A closet sex kitten come out to play.

Hisagi wasn't quite sure he would survive the day-let alone the weekend-but damn if he wasn't going to give it a try.


r, hisagi shuuhei, izuru kira, contest entry, bondage, stilettos, yaoi

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