Title: Reflections on Duty Over Sake
bebopsamuraiCharacters/Pairing: Threesome; Shihouin Yoruichi/Soi Fong/Urahara Kisuke
Rating/Warnings: PG, PG-13 for those squeamish about drinking (but why they'd be worried about a little alcohol usage in a story for a 3some is anyone's guess...) no sex this time, sorry XD
Theme: #1- Shinigami
"... Did you ever think about leaving?"
The Captain of the Second Division blinked at the unexpected question, looking over at the man who'd asked it with her sharp grey eyes. She hadn't been sure before about this-- drinking with her Yoruichi-sama and the man with whom she'd left Soul Society (mainly the latter)-- but after 2 bottles and a series of meandering conversations she'd started to feel a bit less inhibited. At the moment Yoruichi was sitting between her and the blonde shopkeeper of the Urahara Shoten, a few drained bottles lying unheeded beside a slowly twitching arm as the former princess snored rather loudly to ever be thought of as a noble.
"What do you mean? I left that damn Ohmaeda in charge so I could come here," the severe woman responded coldly, the slur in her voice getting more apparent with each sip she took.
"That's not what I mean," Kisuke said with a sardonic grin. "I mean, when we left... did it ever occur to you to just up and quit?" As he'd suspected Soi Fong scoffed, looking as haughty as she could without losing her balance to the alcohol.
"Of course not! I had my duties to consider, and of course I dare not think of what manner of incompentent Shinigami would've ended up as Captain if I hadn't--"
"Ahh..." the exiled Captain said with a knowing smile as Soi's face went red from the comprehension of what she'd implied, "...So you did at least...give it a passing thought."
"I--...well... I suppose it did cross my mind every once and a while." She stared into her reflection in the cup between her hands, unaware that Urahara was steadily watching her from his end of the table, the sake doing little to affect him. "I wanted to follow...but my parents always taught me that my honor was more important that what I wanted to do. So... I just tried not to think about it. It was just easier," Soi mumbled as she glanced at the snoring woman beside her, "...for me to hate her than to think about how hurt I was, about what I REALLY wanted to do."
"Just as well," Kisuke responded with a shrug as he removed the striped headgear from the top of his golden head, placing it gingerly on the table between them. "...She kept telling me that she'd rather you were angry at her then followed her-- that you were a bit too loyal for your own safety. Well...to be honest, she never talked about you much, but that's--"
"...Just the way she is," Soi finished, giving a rare chuckle at how coincidental the thoughts of her and the man she had so long percieved to be her rival were. She didn't know why she was telling him, of all people, of the baggage she'd buried in her heart so long, but instead of feeling disgusted it was actually a bit of a relief.
"Hmph. And here I thought I was the only one who knew her that well." Soi smiled and Kisuke blinked, wondering if the rice wine had gotten to him after all; the Captain was normally so fierce, so cold that he hadn't expected her to look so gentle, so positively innocent. "Well, Yoruichi was right about one thing," Urahara muttered as he watched the petite woman take another delicate sip of her drink, "...You DID turn out to be a looker after all."
At that moment Soi choked on the sake, causing her to spit it out so loudly that Yoruichi flinched in her sleep, mumbled something about flying pancakes and chocolate chips, then dozed right off without another word. Soi realized that her face had gone red from his comment, and the fact that it was HE who'd done it only made her blush darken. It felt strange definitely, as the only one in the past to accomplish such a feat had always been her Goddess, but somehow it didn't feel unwelcome. Even so she shot him a glare, which despite her efforts only came out looking silly due to her intoxication, which in turn made Kisuke put forth a major effort to keep from laughing aloud.
"Just finish up," Soi finally grumbled as she slid the remainder of her bottle to the older man, and even though she still felt odd about the whole evening she decided that she'd have to take Yoruichi up on these invitations more often.