Jun 25, 2005 02:18
wow an actual update...lets see..been working a lot...5 days but it seems like more...bobby is at work...i stayed home and cleaned the room...it looks pretty good..i need him to do the rest cuz i dunno where it goes....got a load of laundry going..gonna do another one when it's done....i dunno what we are doing today yet....after today i'm not off again until thursday....which sux but hey what can i do...i need the money...i just wish my days were more spread out...like have monday off and then work a few and have another day off and then work a few more...but nope i don't get to do the schedule like i was told i could...but i won't complain about that...
we got the bills paid that really needed to be payed...nipsco and car insurance....now the next main one is the phone and we are good....i gotta send out school payment next week....also gotta pay for a book that i bought a long time ago from the scifi book club...oopsies...
i would have liked to have gone to the pride parade this year but i work on sunday during hte day and i can't afford to call off...it prolly woulda been too hot anyway..i went last year and about died think about this year cuz it's even hotter....
well that is it..i'm gonna catch up on some stories and stuff....