When you wear cologne you are a sexy bitch!

May 16, 2005 16:41

should be interesting...
so work has been kinda shitty lately....
rachel has been bad mouthing me to linda and i'm hearing about it from linda....i'm pissed..she says i mess thigns up...scuse me but i'm not the one who has jacke up the cig order the past two weeks...it's cuz she has to get everything done first cuz she has to do everythign cuz she's 'in charge'...since when the hell is she the team leader? for some stupid reason i thought linda was made team leader in december...shows what i know doesn't it?
I am at bobby's for the night... i got here about 4...we had fetuccini alfredo..some weird recipe i found online...it was like eating cheese flavored glue or something....we went to hte mall and i got a cute yellow and purple leopard print undie set...i also got a thing to charge my ipod with out having ot use my computer...yay...yesterday i saw lisa, gilbert, ethan and jason for awile...it was good seeing them again cuz it has been so flipping long...i didn't realize how much i missed htem all...gilberts a good kid...he used to be a monster but he seems ot have calmed down quite abit....which is a good thing cuz man that kid as cute as he is was terrible....
lauren i'm sorry i didn't go to your game..with such short notice and the fact we were just leaving for hte mall when you immed me....if you give me notice a day or so in advance i will try and go...i hope you guys won.....
well i am gonna go eat a brownie...i'll catch you all on the flip side....

Robyn- I seen you SC-ing the ohter day....also how's it going? We need to hang out soon!!!
Michelle- I hope things have improved....We need to hang out soon!!!
Boojie- I'm glad you are happy..good luck wiht everything.....We need to hang out soon!!!
Lauren-How are you? We need ot hang out soon!!!

I think it would have been easier for me to just adress everyone as a hole instead of individually..but i never do anything the easy way...i make things hard....in more than one way...*wink wink nudge nudge*
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