MCF, OSF, FIJ Mastery Challenge: Jam

Jun 22, 2017 19:21

Raspberry/Almond Jam, Marionberry Jam, Deep Spice 3-Berry Jam
in part for the Food In Jars food preservation challenge: June Jam

This month I knew exactly what I was going to make. ALL THE JAM. It was about time to make more jam (but then, when isn't it?). I'm also involved in multiple long-term cooking projects right now. I've been working on the Food In Jars food preservation mastery challenge (see FIJ challenge tags for more blog entries). I'm also now working on entries for my local county fair (see MCF 2017 tags) and the state fair (see OSF 2017 tags). Fortunately for me, most of the work between projects overlaps nicely.

For this post, there are no recipes. Not giving those away! I also totally forgot to take process pictures. It wasn't that exciting anyway - frozen fruit into pot, add stuff, pour into jars, put in water bath, take out and let rest. I'll do proper labels in another few days, when I have more energy for it.

Instead, here's what's going on.

1) I made three kinds of jam in one day. In fact, I made them this morning, and was done by lunchtime. Not too bad. Kinda pleased to know I've got that in me.

2) This week, I learned about foam and why you want to skim it! I can't say as I've paid any real attention to the foam before. My jams don't usually foam up a ton (I don't make strawberry jams), so it just hasn't been that big a deal to me. Now I'm paying way more attention! I'm also not the least bit interested in putting butter in my jam - I don't want to change the flavor, I don't want to change the shelf life (seriously? dairy? in a canned item?), and I don't want to have to worry about giving a jar of jam to a dairy-sensitive friend.

3) I'm learning more about planning for a huge cooking event. I've done special occasion dinners, where I'm the one preparing the majority of the dishes and condiments for several people. I've done a bunch of canning contests - the largest number of entries I've submitted at one go is 16 so far. This year, I want to turn in 50 products (our county fair's upper limit). Fifty award-worthy entries. I've got several to practice, so I'll be making some of those products multiple times. That adds up to more than one product a week. Then factor in weeks at a time where I'll get no canning done because, well, life. Also factor in some of those entries will be baked goods, which *can't* be done more than 2 days ahead of time because it just doesn't work that way. Also factor in all the work in addition to the actual canning/baking/drying/whatevering - researching and deciding on recipes, typing up all the recipes, filling out all the entry forms, making all the labels, figuring out how and where to store everything, getting things wrong and having to re-do them. It's going to take some planning. And re-planning and re-planning!

Why do I want to do this? Because I want to earn the highest total points at my county fair. Because that earns me the title of Queen of the Kitchen. I *want* that title. I don't need to have it several years running - I only need to win it once. But I *do* want that title once.

Want to help me out? I can use all the support I can get! If you live nearby, I can always use rides to the grocery stores and farmers markets (you try carrying home 10 lbs of frozen fruit or 3 cases of pint jars on the bus!). I can also use beta-tasters for recipes I'm fiddling with. If you don't live in town, or even if you do, I can also use some help through a couple of wishlists I was asked to create. The lists are pretty similar. I just made the second one because I have a few people who don't like dealing with Amazon if they can help it. The wishlists are for things like jars, labels, cleaning supplies, pectin, storage boxes, stuff like that. Stuff that adds up quickly. As a supporter, you also have opportunities to taste-test, receive thank-you items, and will have my utmost gratitude (and I promise to find someone good to play you in the movie version).

Amazon wishlist

Do It Best hardware store wishlist

So yeah. The jars all pretty much look the same, so the photo isn't that impressive. But yes, three kinds of jam today. Six half-pints of Raspberry Almond, five half-pints of Marionberry, and eleven half-pints of Deep Spice 3-Berry Jam. Twenty-two half-pints total today.

Check out the "Food In Jars" tag for the other 11 months of the FIJ Mastery Challenge 2017. Also, check out the tags "MCF 2018" for progress on the 2018 Multnomah County Fair entries, and "OSF 2017" for progress on the 2017 Oregon State Fair entries.

osf 2017, food in jars preservation challenge 2017, cooking, photos, mcf 2018

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