(no subject)

Aug 27, 2015 19:10

Summer pretty much wiped me out.

-Putting the oldest cat down.
-Oral surgery.
-The relentless heat, frequently accompanied by humidity.
-Couldn't ride my bike because of the heat (and got tired of the sunburns), didn't do many bussing or walking adventures because of it either.
-The stress of moving out of my office, not knowing where I was moving to for the longest time, not being able to move in to the new, finally decided-upon, spot till school starts. Having to move everything home in the meantime. Deciding what to keep and what to pass on.
-The usual depression that settles in during my longer breaks, exacerbated by the heat keeping me from getting stuff done.
-The yard work sliding so bad, from aforementioned heat and depression. Watching certain plants die, certain yard foods go to waste, the bird baths go dry. I had several projects, none of them terribly difficult, I'd wanted to get done this summer, but the help I'd counted on from a friend and his truck fell through, so even if it hadn't been for the heat, I still wouldn't have gotten a lot of things done.
-Getting a ton of new work sites. Not sure yet how I'm scheduling or transporting between them all yet. I haven't met many of the teachers or site directors yet either. I'm a little anxious about that. Plus I get new co-worker team members for several of these new-to-me sites.
-Michael's new job - it's awesome, it's just made for a number of changes to our routines.
-Adopting two kittens - littermates who treat each other like brothers, with all the snuggling and romping and tackling. Watching the two older cats figure out their reaction to the kitten boys (one is not amused at all at the interlopers, the other has been teaching them how to play and hunt, but gets tired out easily and can only take so much at a time)
-Sorting out finances as several things in the household need to be addressed at pretty much the same time. It's all going be fine, they just weren't all on the schedule or had to get moved up on the schedule. Feh.
-Watching more than a few friends have more than a little crap and chaos in their lives at the moment.

It'll just take a few weeks to get his work schedule sorted out, it'll take at least that long to get my own sorted out but it will happen, we're slowly acclimating the feline household members to each other, the heat will eventually pass (right?), I don't know what to do about the yard at this point but something will eventually happen, the stuff around the house requiring money be thrown at it will get sorted in due time, and there isn't much I can do for my friends and their crap/chaos except be available as I can.

Back to the breathing.


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