Valentine's Day

Feb 15, 2015 15:34

Valentine's Day started out with the usual errands. Michael's eyes are not perfect, but they're doing much better, and he's ramping down the prednisone, so his mood was a whole lot better too. So the day started out really well.

Some good downtime - beautiful outside, got some housework done, snuggled the cats almost as much as they wanted.

Time to dress up!

what the heck happened to my hand?

We went out to dinner at one of our favorite places. Which just so happens to be where he proposed to me, on a Valentine's Day. Altogether now, D'Awwww! :)

The bar was too crowded (and the restaurant was reservation only, so not an option) so we sat in the hotel foyer. They'd already set up some tables for the overflow. Oh, the gorgonzola cheesecake! We were most of the way through dinner when another couple, maybe 10 years older than us, sat next to us. We struck up a conversation that lasted - comfortably - till it was time for us to leave. We had a lovely chat about Valentine's Day, good places in town to eat, international travels, and suchlike.

Off to the opera! I always play the "who's here that I know?" game. This time it was the young gentleman who volunteers in my main classroom. We both love the people-watching. Being Portland, there's always a wide, wide range of fashion to behold. I went to compliment one woman on her dress, that there couldn't possibly be anything in the theater that could hold a candle to it or upstage it, as a guy stood right in front of the orchestra and started hollering. I thought he was just hollering "hi" to someone in the back of the theater (he seemed kind of fabulous that way) when I realized he was calling out to his girlfriend a couple of rows in front of us. She immediately stood up to see what he was hollering about. He held up a ring box and hollered "[name]! You give my life meaning! Will you take this man and marry me?" She of course hollered back "YES!" Much applause erupted throughout the theater as she ran down the ramp to be with him. Also of note - we took the elevator up to the second box level just to wander through, and a gentleman and 10-ish y/o granddaughter got on with us. Michael and I noticed out loud that she had blue streaks in her hair about the same shade as I do, and complimented her. She smiled back. A few minutes later, as we were all getting off the elevator, her grandfather suddenly noticed I had blue about the same shade she had, and pointed it out to her. Michael and I and the girl chuckled.

There was a notice on the doors to Portland Opera tonight, giving trigger warnings for "gunshots & simulated smoking". No mention whatsoever of the female lead getting slapped full in the face, punched in the face, her head slammed into a stone wall, choked, or her throat being slit. As it was, the opening scene had a street vendor selling bread. I was surprised there was no warning for "stage gluten". And now I'm wondering - who, and to what end, is triggered by "simulated smoking"? I'm not even being sarcastic. What led the signmaker to include that in the trigger warnings?

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