My only hope is energy drinks

Mar 10, 2012 07:02

Woke up about 2am having to go to the bathroom. Not unusual. Couldn't get back to sleep - more unusual. Got anxious about the workshop I'm presenting today, which got rescheduled from a couple of weeks ago. I was far more ready for it on the original date than I am now. Went over bits of it while laying in bed. Started cramping. Yay, it's that time again. 2:30am - I'm pretty sure I heard about 6 shots fired somewhere in the neighborhood. It definitely wasn't firecrackers or backfires. Of course, given the way sound carries at 2:30 in the morning, it could have been anywhere in about a 3-5 mile radius. Went downstairs - didn't see anyone running, didn't hear any cars peeling out, nothing to indicate anything had happened at all. Decided to go back upstairs. Cat decided that since I was already up, it might as well be breakfast time. I ignored her for almost an hour then relented. The other cats were a little confused, but plenty fine with also getting early breakfast. Which of course, they forgot by the time I got my own breakfast at 4:30. Decided to try hemming a new pair of pants in the hopes of wearing them for my workshop and later-in-the-day festivities. Looked through a couple of books for how to do blind-hem stitching with my machine. I've never done that before, and I think it's the best choice for these pants. It takes me a while, but I finally get the concept, realize I have a blind-hem foot for my machine (I had no idea!), and get the pants all measured, cut, and pinned. I start sewing the basting stitch and the machine tries to eat the cuff. Hm. I fiddle with the topstitch thread and the bobbin and start again. The machine tries to eat the pants again. Hrm. Once more. After the fifth try of rebooting everything, I gave up. I don't know if I'm using the wrong kind of needle or thread for the fabric or if there's some other trick I'm missing. I can usually do a straight stitch just fine. I hadn't even gotten to the blind-hem part. Argh. So much for being dressy today. I'll have to check the news later to see if there's any mention of the noise I heard. Let's see - fed all the cats, ate breakfast, took care of the cat box, spent over an hour working on the pants, tried a couple of other outfits for wearing today, snuggled cat, checked email, and it's still 15 minutes before my alarm is set to go off. I'll never make it through the rest of the day.
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