Death to the Butterfly Bush

Nov 16, 2008 18:46

It's been a busy day at The Little House.
First was the cleaning of the fiasco that is the catbox and all the linoleum surrounding it - much scrubbing and cleaning. Then hauling nine cubic feet of soil around to fill up my new recycling buckets in order to plant onion seeds. Had a lovely chat with the next door neighbor about that. I suspect she's a little concerned that the recyling buckets are across my front yard. We'll see how it works out. Once that was taken care of, I had at the butterfly bush in the backyard. It's been out of control for a while. The branches have been scraping and squeaking against my bedroom window with the windstorms. It blocks a lot of light. And being an invasive weed, it's just going to get worse. So I decided it needed to go. I didn't figure on getting very far today. I just took the small shears to as many of the branches as I could.

I'd almost filled up the yard debris cart when The Boyfriend showed up. He took the jigsaw to the biggest branches.

We got lucky with the weather. Today was beautiful, dry and just warm enough to spend the time on hacking away at the thing, while the ground was wet, loose and soft enough to pry out the whole root base.

And here he is, looking all sexy and butch and stuff.

Taking that thing out has really opened up the corner. I now have light into my bedroom and I won't have the scraping sound in the middle of the night. And now I can put something else in the spot, like a blueberry bush.

Just for fun: Pineapple sage, flowering in November

After all that, rest was in order. Watched movies on TV while working on another pile of washcloths - I'm figuring out a couple of stitch patterns for a baby blanket I have in mind. I'm glad I tried them out on the washcloths before diving into the blanket pieces. The first one isn't working at all the way I'd thought it would, and suggests two of the other patterns I had in mind need to be reworked as well.

washcloths, garden, photos

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